Tuesday's are often leftovers day. One reason is tacos, since it's easy enough to work up odds and ends for bite-sized delights.
Today, however, I was too lazy to make tortillas. (It's really easy, folks! I'll post about that soon.) So my almost-noon brekkie went eggy.
I had some green onion and yellow bell pepper to use up, so I started with a fine chop of both.
Next was a tablespoon of salted butter and a dash of avocado oil. This blend enabled me to work through all of the cooking steps and temperature changes without burning anything. The veggies went in for a quick sauté.
After spreading the sautéed veggies evenly, I gently spaced my four eggs in the pan. Note that the veggies are now under the eggs, which will set them into the whites. Yum! Dashes of salt, pepper, and parmesan were sprinkled on top, and the burner was turned down to low.
What ensued was a slow cook of the eggs until the whites have mostly firmed. Then I used my spatula to separate them into four.
Next came the flip. I messed one up slightly, but didn't break the yoke, so I'll call no harm done. The eggs continued to cook on low until the whites were completely firmed up. At this point, the yokes are a creamy, over-medium consistency.
I slid the eggs onto plates, turned the burner up to high, and gave a quick pan fry to a couple of ham pieces.
And voilà! My deluxe eggs over medium. Perfect with tea or champagne. Bon appétit.