Many people do not comprehend that stocks are only valuable because more and more money keeps being printed.
The same with Real Estate. If it wasn't for banks, and debt based, fractional reserve lent, fiat currency, real estate wouldn't be valued anywhere near where it is.
Imagine how much money the average person could put down on a house. (owner financing) Most people do not have $500 in their bank accounts for an emergency. The amount a person could pay for a house is no where near a million (average house price in CA cities), it isn't even close to a $100,000. And for most, it is lower than $50,000. So, if the banks and this money printing didn't exist, the price of houses would be much, MUCH, lower than it is today.
Imagine how much money the average stock would be worth if it wasn't being bought on leverage with money from money printing. How are people paying 100x earnings for a stock? It will take a 100 years to get your money back. Except, the stock was really bought for a place to park money. The stock, will hopefully hold its value, or go up, while it is also paying dividends. If stocks were sold, only to real people, and only for cash, then the stock market would be less than a tenth of what it is right now.
It is money printing that have made these things have such inflated prices.

Big Corporations Are Done
Besides their prices being horribly inflated, stocks are going to go away.
How much of a toxic, polluting, destructive corporation do you want?
How much of a lying, poisoning, treatment seeking, cure avoiding, corporation do you want?
How much of a war centered, bomb producing, death and destruction selling corporation do you want?
No, seriously.
Unless you are seriously picky about the stocks you are in, then you probably have a bunch of these stocks. And, it wouldn't help if we all divested ourselves from these stocks, there are enough sociopaths and banksters who want to own them.
So, we do not allow sociopaths and banksters to buy up things, and shape our future. Senators should not be able to buy stocks that they are getting funded. Banksters should not be helping their friends buy stock with sweetheart loans. (The Fed cannot own stock, but Black Rock can)
As we realize that we are funding this, and take our power back, these corporations are just going to crumble. Basically, there won't be a stock market. Any worthy & caring business will never sell shares of itself. (serving customers and stock holders cannot be done simultaneously) And, even if it did, there would be no one who would want to part with those shares.

Real Estate Is Done
There isn't anything supporting the Real Estate market anymore.
Is a commercial office building valuable if no one goes to the office to work?
Even if 50% of people still go to the office, there isn't a market when there is one buyer for two sellers.
Is a house valuable if no one wants to live there?
People are leaving big cities.
Boomers are leaving… So are the VAXXXed
Crime, job loss, store closing, restaurant closing, these things are making city living undersirable.
Houses were expensive because the supply was always constricted. Not enough houses for everyone to have one. But now, we will have 2 houses on the market for every buyer just from deaths. And people leaving will make that spread even greater.
Further, the way that Wokeness sellers are pushing propaganda, people will just seeing that an empty house means that they can just move in.
So, in cities and their suburbs, there will no value, no market, no desire for the houses there.

Of course these things take time to play out. People do not go instantly from valuing real estate and stocks, to considering them valueless. There will probably be an aged person in a nursing home still talking about how they own lots of rental properties decades from now.
However, this future is inevitable. The present prices are only held up by more and more money printing. And when that money printing comes to an end, so will their value. And, after the new finance system is tried, and it sticks, then everything will be revalued, most likely MUCH LOWER. Still, their value will go to zero within 50 years.
I suggest that each of us should look at the world differently.
A house is not an asset. It is a liability that is falling apart and in need of constant maintenance. But, a house to sleep/live in is very valuable. Find one that is as good as possible for your continued living.
Bitcoin has shown itself to be far superior than any stock that you would hold. And it will show itself to be better than real estate investments. So, as we progress, people will hold less stock, less REITs, less bonds, and less everything in the current wall street portfolios.
Wall street is going to collapse in under its own weight. There will be no amount of money printing that will keep this house of cards from crumbling.
Move away from Wall Street. Stop calling them investments. They are places where money is parked, where that money is hyperinflating into worthlessness.

Buy Food
On the flips side, many real things that you need for life are going to become more scarce.
Food is one of these things.
T.H.E.Y. are trying to limit good food and pack the stores full of more poisons.
T.H.E.Y. are currently killing chickens off, causing egg prices to double.
T.H.E.Y. are currently growing bugs for your consumption.
So, have months worth of food stocked up in your house. (or in secret locations)
AND! grow your own food. Those who bought chickens last year are probably very pleased with their decision.
The next years will be even worse. Make plans to become food self sufficient. We no longer live in a world where we can rely on grocery stores and factory farms for our sustenance. And, even if we could rely on the six corporations that provide most of the food, we cannot rely on shipping to be continuous and error free. Lastly, we cannot rely on the factory farmlands, as they are all mined out. They will literally stop producing a yield worthy of harvesting.
Change the way you see things. Because the old ways are already crumbling down around us.