There are problems with our food supply. They are big, and getting bigger. They have to do with availability, quality and quantity.
There are problems with growing, storing, processing and shipping food.
And a probable future that seems to be playing out now makes this message urgent.

Migrant war breaks out
Something strange is happening on the border. Sleepy Joe threatens Texas to let lots of illegal migrants in without hindrance. Why is this? Of all the things, he should just ignore Texas defending a little state park on the border. Some place, someone is saying, "the migrants must flow". And is such a big deal that the army was called out.
I mean, really, just go a few miles in either direction, and there isn't a barrier.
But, really ridiculously, The US is allowing tons of migrants into the countries. Almost all of them fighting age men without women or families. (many with children, have purchased the child to get in easier)
The migrants were encouraged by George Zeros to come up here. Offering lots of welfare. And it seems that the welfare is being provided.
So, no matter how you look at this, this is an invading army. Brought here for some reason. Perhaps to vote in the next election? But it will definitely to create pandemonium. Such a big force, that doesn't know the lay of the land nor the rules can only cause havoc.
There are Chinese nationals in this caravan. Like, how did they get to Central America? And why were they ferried by boat around some of the worst areas? The South Americans were not ferried by boat.
I am fearing that the Cocain Import Agency is going to arm them and have them commit acts of terror.
Either way, one thing will happen. Food shipments will break down at some point, for some period of time. Look at what happened with Trump and NY. Truckers threatened to boycott deliveries to the city. No food shipments means empty grocery store shelves really quick.
So, i want all of you to have at least one month of food stored. Get it soon.

You will eat ze bugs, or starve
Then we have Satan Klaus threatening people with eating ze bugs. And they are actually growing bugs for food in several places in America. They are, right now, trying to sneak them into various packages of "food".

Also, while they are doing this, many food processing plants are burning down. A LOT more than normal. A LOT suspicious.
Those mother WEFers are trying to shut down farms across Europe right now, by restricting the amount of use of fertilizers and other sanctions. Basically, the farmers will not be able to produce paying crops if these WEF environmental mandates get passed. And, if you didn't know, tractors are shutting down govern-cement buildings in many, many countries.
The same things is happening in America, but they are going about it more sneakily. Like Gatez buying up lots of farmland. The Chinese buying up lots of farmland. The FDA going around and killing tons of chickens.
The mother WEFers are trying to control all the food. Because then they control the people.
This is a long term plan, so you have more time. However, you will need to grow / raise more of your food each passing year.

The ice age is upon us
And the worst thing for our food supply is two issues:
- The farmland of America has been mined out. (it is depleted from chemical farming, and much of the top soil has been washed out to sea)
- The ice age is here, and we will see longer winters, and shorter, and more cruel summers.
What this adds up to is that the old farmland will not provide when it will be most needed. And so, there will be starvation, unless everyone starts growing their own food. Replenishing burnt out soil. Building greenhouse so that you can grow food most of the year. And these greenhouses will need hail shields. Winters are about to become much harsher.
Everyone is going to become a part time farmer. (unless they really do not like to eat)
You will grow your own food, in your own greenhouse, or starve

It is of utmost importance that you put serious thought into where your food is coming from.
Everything about food is breaking down. Growing, shipping, processing, every step is decaying. And a lot of this seems intentional. And some of it is because farmers are getting to retirement age, and there is no replacements.
Find local farmers to buy produce from. Get to know them personally.
Stock up on food while it is mostly plentiful in the stores.
There are more and more signs that things are about to start going down.