Retirement, a decade ago meant acquiring enough wealth, to buy enough assets, to support yourself during retirement.
(1 million in the bank gets you about $5,000 a month)
But, few made that mark, so most rely on Social inSecurity to continue paying the bills. And, if they paid off their house, then they can live quite comfortably. If they do not have a paid off home, then the Social inSecurity really doesn't pay enough to keep you in a house.
All of this relies on a financial system that can print money.
AND! a world where most things are for sale. You can buy / rent a place to live. You can go to the grocery store and buy food. You can purchase electricity from the electric company.
Where we are going, none of that holds true. But, also, none of all of that, holds true.

Everything we have known is going away
Your favorite restaurant probably closed during the covaids.
So many stores where not open during the lockdowns, and many never reopened.
This was not just about the covaids or the lockdowns. It was all, already, going away.
Just look at the malls. All the speciality boutiques are gone. Replaced by online sales, or just gone because people stopped wanting those items. The main, big stores in malls are now Target and Wallymart. And everything in between is going, or gone.
All the stores, all the restaurants will be going, especially as crime skyrockets.
Then the grocery stores. For two reasons these will be gone.
- They are selling poison. And anyone who can afford non-poisoned food, will switch
- There is an effort to restrict food. To make more people on the edge of starvation, and so "compliant".
The supermarket will be empty of people, and empty of groceries.
The banks too, will be gone.
The world of going to a store and exchanging "currency" for goods will no longer exist. And thus, the idea of having enough money saved up for retirement, will also go away.

Self Sufficient You
People will grow their own food. With a group out there who are now blatantly poisoning food, people who realize this will be loathe to let anyone else touch their food. (and, it is likely going to be a famine at the grocery store)
People will make their own clothes. Almost everything will be manufactured in the small community you belong to.
What little is outside of this, you will negotiate for a trade. You are literally asking another person, in another community to spend their time making something unique for you. The trade will probably be paid in cryptos, but what those are in the future, are not what they are now.
Your living abode will be paid for when it is built. Banksters will not be allowed anywhere near our houses.
All this means is that in this future, you will not save up a bunch of money, you will be mostly self sufficient, and you will work for your own food, until you are too frail.
There will not be a retirement. But, each person's time spent on growing their own food will be less than 10 hours a week.
If you call this retirement, than you will be retired at about age 30. Or maybe your whole life.

The negative things are gone from your life
The big corporations will be gone within 50 years.
We won't deal with them anymore. We won't have to deal with them anymore.
The banksters will be gone.
And their fiat currency ponzi scheme that keeps everyone running faster and faster just to stay in place, will be gone. People will recognize it for the evil it is. And it will be GONE!
At some point we work out why there can be no usury. And then, loans will have no interest. Such things as savings account, bonds, or anything that would pay interest, will also no longer exist.
Stocks… no one will sell stocks in THEIR company. It is a stupid idea to split your focus from trying to please customers, and trying to please shareholders. (often these two's desires are at odds with each other.) Further, it is YOUR company, it is what your community does to have a trade item. The idea of selling it will just be weird.

So, the idea of saving up enough money to retire goes away. Both the need for money to buy your stuff (food, housing…) and the ability to pay for your retirement, because there is no stores.
When the community invests in automation, each member of the community will benefit fairly directly. Automated greenhouses will be the standard. And so much of the tedious stuff will be eliminated too.
It will be, "Retire? What do i retire from?"
And also, "After my chores, i do what i like to do. Why would i stop doing that?"
The entire rat race will be gone.
We no longer need it.
We are no longer going to be pushing our debt onto our children.
We will become wealthy. Each and every person.