Suburban house prices will go down. There is no other place for them to go.
Food prices will continue to go up. There is no other place for them to go.
We, as a group of little farmers could change this, but that will just be between us and our closest friends.
Blackrock could come in to certain areas and buy up all the houses for sale at above market rates. It has happened, and i believe continues to happen. (If blackrock is in your area buying, i suggest you sell and move, your house in inside a future 15 minute prison)
However, those special cases aside, suburban house prices will go down, and food prices will continue to go up.

Housing price go down
A house's price is really based on what percentage of income one can spend on a mortgage (set by the banks) and what interest rates are available (set by the banks). And as long as you keep new houses just under the increase in population, then you just plug those numbers into the compy, and out comes how much you will spend on a house.

Unfortunately, the housing market is slow. When the Fed raised rates a whole bunch, house prices should have dropped in half. They only didn't because there was so little inventory, and none of the houses were actually moving. So, the price just sorta stayed there.
Today we see houses in many areas down 10% or more before they sold.
It is a demographic conclusion that suburban houses will drop to zero. It is just a matter of time before so many houses are on the market that none of them can be sold for a price higher than free.
- Baby boomers will soon be moving out of their houses (25% of housing)
- VAXXXed / All Causes Mortality is still increasing. (more empty houses)
- Demographics is collapsing. Well below replacement.
- People will be leaving suburbs in droves. Food riots and mostly fiery protests + crime

Food price go up

Everything is against food prices going down.
- Food processing plants are burning down all over.
- Farmers are being forced out of business.
- The transportation network is being cut apart.
- And we are in an ice age, growing seasons are getting shorter.
- The elite are going to squeeze the food network until you will eat ze bugs
All of these mean that food prices will continue to go up.
And real food. Real nutritious food will become more and more in demand. It will be, in the future, you will have to grow it yourself, or you will have to know someone.

Right now, house prices should have fallen 50%.
Landlords should be looking at ways to lower rents. (or they will soon be out of business as everyone stops paying them)
However, this is not what is happening. And so, it is pushed into the future, and the crash will be more severe.
As always, i suggest selling suburban real estate right now and put that money into a homestead. (because house price go down and food price go up)
Food systems seem to be keeping up, keeping store shelves stocked, but this is not reality. It is a thin façade over an every widening chasm. I watch as stores cover up holes in their shelving stock. Every time i go to the store, i see something.
And we all know about how they are now VAXXXing meat, hiding bugz in food labels and making everything you eat more toxic. So, you really want to get growing your own food. Or buying from someone you trust.
Everything is changing around us. Everything that supported suburban and city growth is now gone. In the not to distant future, the suburbs will be barren of people. Left to rot.
Make plans to find your people, and build a homestead. It is the way forward.