The more i analyze these market. The more i look into the evil behind these monetary "things". The more i comprehend why they do not exist in the future.
Real Estate is an abhorrent idea. Through and through. The ideas behind it are evil. It has to go.
Corporations, and the idea of a "stock market", are corruption built on top of evil. An evil / corruption cake. No matter how you slice it, it has to go.
BigAg sells poison in pretty boxes. Especially in The US. This is abhorrent. However, those Mother WEFers want to go a step further and have you eating bugz. Not only are they trying to poison you through your food and water, they are working on controlling you through the controlling who can get food.

Real Estate
Real Estate - spanish - The King's Estate.
How dare any man, or group of men declare all the land in this area belongs to them!
How dare these men say that you can't have a house because you were born after them! Sorry kid, we already divvied up all the land before you were born.
And then the govern-cements believe their ownership supersedes all the land owners. And they will tax the people for daring to exist and having to have a place to live.
Add on top of this that banksters have got people to give their houses to the bank, and then pay them a large portion of their monthly income to them for that privilege. A complete scam. The banksters don't even put any of their money into this.
On top of all this evil, we are looking at a market bubble pop utter destruction.
Suburban tract housing will be left empty in vast acreage. No one will want to live there. There will be nothing but death in these human spirit destroying places. Mass deaths from old age, VAXXX, war, starvation and natural disasters will leave so many houses empty, that if you want one, just move in. But who would want to stay in a crime, drug and degeneracy filled place with no job, no restaurants, and no entertainment?
House prices have already passed their peak, and are on their way down. And they won't stop.

Stock Market
What a lovely scam to get people to pay for nothing.
This is the current state of the stock market. It is a game of musical chairs, and there is only one chair, and a fat bankster is already sitting in it.
Cede and Company own all the stocks that are traded on the stock market. And they don't even know what they own. Because "someone" left the waterproof door open as NY flooded.
You, the person buying stock, don't own anything. You have a promise, on a promise, on a deal, on a contract, to buy you a stock at a certain price. At best, you may be returned your money that you gave to buy the stock (before it went up in value), at anything else, if any part of that chain fails, you own nothing.
On top of this scam, the idea of a corporation, a "person" that is allowed to externalize all of its costs, and internalize all its profits, is just plain evil.
There isn't any restraint on a corporation. And soon, the large corporations will tell the govern-cements to go screw off. These "person" not only take whatever the want from the surrounding economy, but do not give much back. They are morally sociopaths.
We should not allow these sociopaths to destroy our society. They are evil, and will be destroyed.
These stock markets will… shut down, and not reopen.

- Supermarkets have three days of food in their system.
- The farmland is all mined out, and is failing.
- The Mother WEFers want complete control over food, so they have control over the people.
- Our food and water is poisoned
If we want food in the future, we will need to put a lot of our energy and focus into growing it ourselves, or knowing someone, personally, that will grow it for you.
Every time i go to the grocery store, i see spots where something is supposed to be, and the hole is covered up by something else. I see the raman isle at Wally mart often barren. Food only appears abundant.
On top of this, we have many ways the food could stop flowing. Riots, floods, snow storms, earthquakes, army road blocks… are all things to expect in the near future.
Have a month worth of food stored. This will keep you from starving when all of a sudden, your grocery store doesn't have food.
Work your way up to a years supply of food, because that is how long you need to grow more food.
Move to the country where you can grow your own food. The writing is on the wall. We are being set up for famine. And the blue cities are being set up for gang rule or martial law.
RFK Jr talking about one of the poisons found in food in your grocery store

It will take 50 years before corporations are all gone. But, be gone they will.
In housing, the crash is already starting, but in 10 years, we will know that it is a goner. The baby boomer will have dropped ¼ of the houses onto the market. And, most likely, during that same 10 years many of the VAXXXed will have moved into mortuary plots. Imagine a city where ever other house is for sale. People will be giving them away for scraps of cryptos.
The prognosis on food is harder to estimate. The farmland is already mined out. It is already failing. It is just a matter of how soon the month long snowstorms are upon us. How soon the baseball sized hail (crop flattening) is normal.
What i can say is that there is already a war on food processing plants and meat. These are already having effects on price and availability. It is just a matter of time before there isn't enough food. And, natural disasters show us how fast the shelves will be barren. So, stock up now.
Really think of ways you can grow your own food. Because, even if there is food in the grocery store, it is poisoned. Growing your own food is a change of life that will have great dividends in your health.