Preparing Your Food Or Eating Out; the truth.

in LeoFinancelast year

Have you ever gotten so hungry before that you have all the food and ingredients in your kitchen to prepare a nice meal, and you also have the cash in your wallet to get yourself a good meal? Which would you go for?

Before you pick your answer, let me introduce myself in case you don’t know me. I’m your favourite blogger here on Hive, and my name is fashtioluwa. My smile alone is food for the soul; you should have a taste.

I once told a lady, “If I ask you out on a date, we are doing the eating in my house before we step out.”

The reason for this statement was because I love to cook. There are many days where I get home very late from work and still go into the kitchen to prepare my food. The time I get home will determine the food I’ll prepare. Now imagine if I’m home and it’s lunch time, the chef in me will take over.

Ever since I was little, I have been a lover of the kitchen. Most time, my mom prefer I cooking than my sisters cooking. I’ve never burned any food before except if I got help from my sisters. Although I prefer my sisters cooking to mine, so I wonder what’s so special about my cooking that made everyone love it.

I don’t like eating out when I have the resources to make a good meal; even if family friends brought cooked food to our home as a sign of respect, I wouldn’t eat it. I either eat my own cooked food, that of my siblings, or that of my mom.

Since I love to prepare my food, I’ll share some pictures of some of the food I made.

Ok, ok, let’s stop there.
Just because I like making my food doesn’t mean I haven’t eaten out. If I get the chance to eat out and I’m not the one paying, I'm definitely eating out. There were many occasions when I went to eat out, and it turned out to be a great experience.

Remember the lady I told I would cook for before we went out on any date? I was feeling so generous that day that I decided to spend some of my hives. We got to the restaurant, and we placed our order. The food came with the bill, and I lost my appetite. The price immediately made me sad, as you can see in the image, but the smile on my date's face changed it all, and I started smiling again.

Another day I tried eating out in 2021, and the price made me sad too.

In conclusion

I’m a good cook, and I follow cooking tutorials and pages to improve my cooking skills, so if I get home in the afternoon or it’s lunch time and I’m hungry, I’ll majestically walk into my kitchen and make food for myself.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You know I’m hungry amd you’re posting all these, eh olu why na.

Come to my house
I’ll cook them for you😁😁😁
Come with someone too o
You should understand 👀

Sure boy!!

Your smile is food for the soul but you did not smile in any of these pictures shared, looks like the soul will starve oo 😂.

Ok ok
Relax let me explain
When there is food and I’m smiling, you would have been satisfied before you eat

Hope you know why I wasn’t smiling in any of those pictures.

I love the fact that you can cook your meal by yourself. Mama did a very nice job o, kudos to her.👍👍👍

The bill of meals out there isn't smiling at all and it doesn't worth it. So it's better to cook a nice meal at home and eat to your satisfaction.

Yeah, mom did a good job
For the food. I spent 11k+ just for that rice and chicken

And I have rice at home o😪😪😪 anyways, home food is better and saves more

Chaiiii na wa o. A whole 11k this is serious 🤣🤣🤣


Things we do for our crush 😀😀

My dear, it's always best to prepare your food yourself, the only problem is not knowing what to cook, how to cook it and laziness, hehe

You see that laziness
It’s the main factor
It has made me eat bread and tea countless days

Haha, I can imagine 😂

The food bills out there are there to take one’s happiness away 😭😭😭

So you better don't get too lazy and prepare your food yourself 😉.

That’s why I always have bread in the fridge 🤭🤭

😂😂😂 laziness will not do you anything 😂

One day one day
I’ll do away with it

Why would you go out on a date and the bill would make you sad
Big man like you😂😂

I’m impressed that no matter how hungry you are, you’d cook

I’m not yet the big man you’re picturing oo
Getting there some days
And the bills always make me sad😂😂🤭🤭

Thanks for the comment. You see your noodles looking like mine🌚🌚
Chef committee things

Please my noodles and yours dont look alike at all🤣🤣🤣

I’m not talking of that your red oil noodles o
The one with hotdogs is the one I’m talking about 😏😏🤭🤭

I have red oil noodles?🤣

The second noodles you upload na 😁😁

Oh that Nigerian noodles

Why are you always sad when bills come? Please smile ooo. And as for those food's, hunger dey my belly ooo. Have a wonderful day

And I can give you the location oo if hunger Dey belle 😅😅🤭🤭

If I’m not paying I’ll smile trust me 😅😅