This morning I received a message from a good friend, asking if I was (still) up for a drive into the mountains and having lunch at a fish restaurant that I'd never been before. If so, I was welcome for a coffee at his place around 11am and we would go to the restaurant afterward.
Surely an offer I couldn't refuse...
and please don't call me Shirley
So I happily walked his way ( half an hour hike through the sun ), listening to music on my headphones.
In the village café, located practically next to the house that he is renting, we enjoyed a coffee and a muffin ( called a 'queque' here. Stemming form the English word 'cake' ), before we made our way, by car, to the trout restaurant.
My friend had told me, beforehand, that you pay 15 Euro per person there, all inclusive ( appetizer, lunch, drink, dessert and coffee ).
Although it was pretty crowded, there was a table for us ( without us having needed a reservation ). The people working at the restaurant were super friendly and - aside from having to wait for a bit ( not out of the ordinary, in Portugal ), like most other people - we had nothing to complain about.
and believe me, us Dutchies know how to complain ;<)
One of the things both of us really like(d) about this place is that - aside from the drinks and the dessert - you have no choices to make. Everybody eats the same thing.
What appeared on our plates was some super nice, fresh fish ( trouts that you see swimming in the natural water, right next to the restaurant and that you are even allowed to reel in yourself, if you'd like 🎣 and - as an added bonus - several servings of them, depending on your appetite ), salad, nicely cooked potato in olive oil and beans with rice. We also ordered a liter and a half of water with our wine ( white wine for me, red wine for my friend ) and got some nice bread with ham, cheese and sausage, before our meal.
The dessert ended up being arroz doce ( sweet rice pudding ) and we topped it off with a small black coffee.
my friend looking pensive at his still empty plate. He probably couldn't wait to serve himself and dig in ;<)
the poor fishes that had been thoroughly enjoyed
my full plate
Don't I look happy?
the trout basins with running river water and some fishing rods/-poles in the foreground
After our amazing lunch, we drove for a while and stopped at a natural river beach that I had recognized ( on the way to the restaurant ) and where my friend had never been before. I have some nice memories of spending afternoons there, a handful of times, 3 to 4 years ago. The two of us went for a little swim and cooling down, which was perfect after our lunch and really refreshed us...
...and then we drove back home again. After our arrival, we stopped, once more at the local bar, to have 2 cold beers, before my friend left for his home and I walked the half an hour home, listening to music and feeling great, after a day well spent.
Not the worst kind of Sunday ;<)
I hope you enjoyed yours too.✨