We are what we eat

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

Hello, beautiful Sunday to restructure some things LOL... 👀


Among the topics proposed for this weekend's engagement, I chose the one I thought was the most complicated and will tell you why.

You can only eat two different types of food until the day you die; what are they and why?

At first glance, it seems simple to answer here with two types of food that we love; however, I believe that the aim of our host was not to find out about our culinary preferences, but rather to get us to think a little about what would be good for us and whether we are aware that it is not about eating for the sake of eating, but to understand the importance of knowing what and how we eat. It is, logically, about our life. For me, at least, it has led me to sift through everything that makes up my diet to select those two options that would keep me alive. I have had to do some research and realised that I don't give adequate importance to eating. I should make a change now and eat smarter. There is no excuse, I think. Sometimes we blame lack of money, the situation, shortage of this or that, but maybe it's simply a problem of lack of planning or understanding. Ignorance... in most cases.

A healthy diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meat and legumes, milk and dairy products, fats and oils.

An unbalanced diet can lead to malnutrition, chronic illness, fatigue, irritability, reduced cognitive ability, poor memory or mental health problems.

Given all this and the fact that I don't know of a food that is complete enough to meet all our needs, I'm a bit stranded on the edge of my answer.

I thought of fish and fruits (I hope that variety is not a problem, I mean, that there is variety for me and that I also have the spices to prepare each recipe). Think of how many types of fish there are and all the things I could prepare with them, many different recipes, even broths and soups that I love. And with fruits, I can eat them naturally or dehydrate them, or make juices, sweets and ice creams... and wines, of course, I can.

I don't know how long I will be able to live like this without getting sick, as it's evident that my diet lacks essential elements.

Eating fish is very beneficial, (I love this food) read here. And what about the fruits?, keep reading here.

Of course I asked for variety, I am not only going to have these 12 that the article talks about. 😂

Lemons Strawberries Oranges Limes Grapefruit Blackberries Apples Pomegranate Pineapple Bananas Avocado Blueberries
IMG_20240907_191853.jpg IMG_20240907_191858.jpg IMG_20240907_191903.jpg

In my backyard, where a deep mowing is taking place this weekend, I have planted guava, banana, mango, passion fruit, coconut and soursop. I have to plant more things, like lemon, mamey and avocado, for example. Maybe try some grafting plants that don't grow so big.

Before I finish, I would like to make an observation about the title I chose for this post by means of a quote:

In 1804, the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach coined the well-known phrase: ‘You are what you eat’. His theory of food is of great ethical and political importance, because it argues that food becomes blood, blood becomes heart and brain; the stuff of thoughts and emotions. Human food is the basis of culture and feeling. So, in conclusion, if we want to improve people, we should start by providing them with better nutrition.

--Brenda Sanchinelli, www.prensalibre.com

Thank you Galenkp for allowing me to participate in this weekend engagement.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


I had to look up mamey. Even my autocorrect is pissed right now like, "mamey?!" Insists I mean Mamet, whoever that is.

No mamet, no. 😆 I have a post where you can see it. I'll look for it in a while and come to edit this comment. I'm on the phone I had fallen asleep.

In case you want to take a look at it. 😄

Fish and fruit are great choices, I think I could live off that for the rest of my life as well. You can make so many hot and cold dishes with them.

Would love to visit your garden, guava, banana, mango, passion fruit and, coconut are all yummy. And what is soursop? 🤔


And I would love to receive you. If you see how much mango I have frozen from this harvest. I recently harvested a bunch of bananas and I eat guava almost every day. Look!


The passion fruits have not yet borne fruit.

Wow, I agree with you sir, fruit are so healthy and good for health.

😇 Indeed. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Don't think I've seen that one. How often does that happen? They only call me dear all the time.

😄 I felt so masculine and English... 💂🏻‍♀️

Very good choice @nanixxx, fish and fruits are the most nutritious foods, I wish we could have them on hand. Nutrition is the basis of health, the longest lived and healthiest are those who live in the countryside and eat simple foods without chemical additives. Canned foods, hams and soft drinks are pure chemicals that do more harm than good. Ah... your yard has good and delicious fruits. The title of the post couldn't be better! Cheers my friend nani ! 🥰🤗

Speaking of nutrition, it's my turn to cook hahaha... I'm going to make a chicken broth. Thanks friend, my garden is huge, it takes a lot of work, come help me. LOL.


🤣oki🤣 have a good dinner ☺️😋

I like fish although I'm not a big fan, few fish I like hahaha but it's an excellent option along with fruits... you're missing the protein... what third food would you choose?

I'm the heavy one asking for a third food hahaha

Fish is the protein.

But it's not three types of food, it's two. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Okay, that's fine... I choose vegetables. 😄

I choose vegetables too!!!🤣

A healthy diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meat and legumes, milk and dairy products, fats and oils.

Well thats me done for then, no pizza or French fries?????

Hahaha... What is pizza made with? With a flour obtained from a grain. Cheese is also added, which is a dairy product. You know what french fries are, 😆 and they are fried in oil hahaha... This is me becoming a nutritionist, making the first steps. 🤣😂

good luck with that! smartarse LOL LOL LOL x

Interesting topic @nanixxx good health is related to good nutrition. Mainly omega 3 foods, vegetables, fruits and white meats.
By @codebydoble

Proper planning of what we eat is good for our health and also for our pocket... hahaha....


You have a perfect supply of fruits, oh yes, I also agree with the mamey, how delicious.

I would also suffice with fruits and fish...and crabs, I always consider them an exotic food 😁.

But you are missing one thing in your yard: a cow 😝.
Can you imagine being rich in our country.

Enjoy your meal nanixxx

😄 A cow!!! OMG Well, I have room for two, I just have to find someone to shepherd them and look after them. But it's so complicated here... You know the risk.

Thank you, Adaluna.

Yes, I understand.

If we lived closer, we could take care of the cows together 🙃.
Fruits, fish, milk, cheese and butter :)



Somos lo que comemos!! Esa es una gran verdad! Lo que aprendi es que no solo nos nutrimos por la boca, tambien por la piel, por la nariz, por los ojos...
Te enviare el libro El estudio de China...el mayor estudio de nutricion...creo te aportara mucho....

Oh, gracias. Envíamelo. Y sí, tiene sentido lo que dices.

I am glad that you have joined this very complicated challenge proposed by Galen, it is a sign of good health.

I didn't know Feuerbach's nutritional side , you learn something every day, I think Hippocrates said something similar, perhaps with less social background. I totally agree that good nutrition improves people; in another sense a fairer world would be a world with well fed, happier and better people.
I feel that way now, well fed, freshly dined, and in good company.

Best regards @nanixxx

There are so many areas to improve that sometimes I think I can't do it all alone... But it's only me who has to improve hahaha.... Well, don't mind me.
I'm really glad you feel that way. Enjoy the company then.

Best regards!

What a nice yard, you have some healthy and good fruits, you need to plant more. Especially vegetables and make your own little garden for your personal use, look at all that has been achieved @anggreklestari something can be done, let's plan. Happy day. I will amo❤️❤️❤️❤️

Gracias Mamani. Yes, I have to plant more things, but I don't have the time. It's probably a lack of proper planning.

Excellent article dear @nanixxx Very good choice of fish and fruits. And also your reflection on the importance of eating well, in a balanced way. 😀👍

Thank you, Bea. 😉 Have a great start to the week!

I think the diet I follow because of my chronic illness almost complies with the rules of this challenge. 😋 Almost everything is contraindicated, I am forced to break the rules from time to time.

“We are nothing” judging by what we eat. 🤣

Original the way you approached the challenge. 🌷

Oh, I'm so sorry. No one should get sick, it's so horrible. Take care of yourself. I'm sure that within what you can eat you make the best choice.

And about what you say... hahaha... I hope from tomorrow I'll start to be ‘something’. 😂