Two foods and ,,long,, life WEEK 222

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago

Two foods and ,,long,, life


As every weekend the topics are getting more and more attractive so today I'm going to write a few lines about my favorite foods, and yes, I only have to write about two of them.

Accepting the challenge of living all my life with only two types of food is clear to me what those would be.

My choice wasn't hard at all because they are my favorite foods and it wasn't hard for me to choose those two foods that give me the energy to survive day after day, month after month, year after year.


The two foods are the Hungarian GULAS and PAPANASI, the first dish is of Hungarian origin and can be prepared from pork or beef with a lot of spices, so this dish can be adapted and diversified, personally even in real life to eat this dish a few times a week, I can not get tired of the flavor and taste of it.

Papanasii, this preparation is a dessert made from a dough in which is added cottage cheese and vanilla sticks, the dough is fried in oil and then served with cream and blueberry jam, and in this case we can be creative and change some of the ingredients.

I am aware that even on the nutrition side, consuming these two foods for a very long time, it's clear that the period until the end of your life will be somewhat shorter, hehe.

When you have guilty pleasures you take any risk, even one of living less.

Dear visitors this was my post today, thank you to all of you who stopped by.


Good thing you could choose one two. Me, on the other hand, I just cant decide. I can't even think of a list of two meals or foods I love...

Yeah. I try. My brain is frying right now. I can't. I give up. Good thing I dont need to think of this circumstance happening. And if I do, I need a day to decide. 😅😅

It was hard for me to choose only two kinds of food, but I chose two that I really like to eat.
Sure I could have chosen two much healthier foods for the body, but then I was somewhat not respecting the requirements of the weekend topic and moreover I was not being honest with myself and you.

In fact, I chose what I like very much.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

Maybe I can go with pizza and chicken soup. 😐
Maybe. But I'm still thinking of this two foods list. 😂

Yes, I agree with you, I like pizza too, but I also like chicken soup, but that soup made from real chicken, not the plastic ones from the stores.
I'm a weirdo, I can't eat soup from store-bought chicken, but when it comes to eating chicken I prefer store-bought.

How great is it to discover authentic Hungarian dishes from across the world?!

These both look like something I would love to taste and I would even indulge in the dessert for a treat.

Food is indeed a wonderful part of a weekend experience. Well met!

Many Hungarian dishes are known all over Europe and maybe even in other parts of the world, frankly, they are truly delicious.
It really was a wonderful weekend with many interesting topics, thank you for your comment and for stopping by.

🤤 I support you! hahaha... (I haven't tried these foods you refer to but from what you say... they sound like delicious and nutritious dishes).

When I suddenly saw the first picture I thought it was icecream. It's the ice-cream craving I have.

Hehe, I had the same feeling, when they brought me those papanasi and I had the feeling it was ice cream, I was about to tell the waitress that I didn't order ice cream, hehe.

This must be the blueberry jam.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday.