Greetings to all dear friends of
#CreativeCuisine! I am still active with the recipes so that you have ideas for enjoying the upcoming carnival. With this delicious big sandwich that is easy to prepare, ideal for a quick lunch or dinner. I added vegetable ingredients that, when combined with the eggplant cream and ham, give it the perfect flavor and you will like it. Enjoy my new recipe and preparation!
- 1 paquete de pan de sándwich con corte horizontal, 1 zanahoria, 1 remolacha, 2 cucharada de mostaza, 1/2 taza de aceitunas rellenas, 1 pimentón rojo, 2 cebollas, 3 berenjenas, 100 gramos de jamón, 50 gramos de leche en polvo, 1 manojo de cilantro, palitos de altura.
- 1 package of sandwich bread with horizontal cut, 1 carrot, 1 beet, 2 tablespoons of mustard, 1/2 cup of stuffed olives, 1 red pepper, 2 onions, 3 eggplants, 100 grams of ham, 50 grams of powdered milk, 1 bunch of cilantro, tall sticks.

Preparación / Preparation: 🍞
- Colocar las berenjenas directamente en la hornilla para ahumarlas, darles vueltas.
- Place the eggplants directly on the stove to smoke them, turning them.

- Retirar la piel de las berenjenas.
- Remove the skin from the eggplants.

- En la licuadora procesar las berenjenas con pimentón, sal al gusto, un toque de pimienta, 1 chorrito de aceite hasta formar la crema.
- In the blender, process the eggplants with paprika, salt to taste, a touch of pepper, 1 splash of oil until the cream is formed.

- Cortar el pimentón en juliana.
- Cut the bell pepper into julienne strips.

- Rallar la zanahoria.
- Grate the carrot.

- Rallar la remolacha.
- Grate the beet.

- Preparar la leche en polvo en una taza de agua y humedecer todas las rebanadas de pan.
- Prepare the milk powder in a cup of water and moisten all the slices of bread.

- Cubrir con la crema de berenjena y colocar pimentón.
- Cover with the eggplant cream and add red pepper.

- Colocamos otra capa de pan y agregamos mayonesa y la remolacha rallada.
- We place another layer of bread and add mayonnaise and the grated beet.

- Luego agregamos otra capa de pan y cubrimos con zanahoria y mayonesa.
- Then we add another layer of bread and cover with carrot and mayonnaise.

- Repetimos la crema de berenjena con mostaza.
- We repeat the eggplant cream with mustard.

- Añadimos la capa de jamón.
- We add the layer of ham.

- Cubrir con con mayonesa y decorar al gusto con aceitunas pimentón hojas de cilantro y refrigerar por 2 horas antes de cortar.
- Cover with mayonnaise and decorate to taste with olives, red pepper, cilantro leaves and refrigerate for 2 hours before cutting.

- También les pueden colocar los palitos de altura para facilitar el corte y adornar de manera diferente.
- You can also place the sticks in height to facilitate cutting and decorate differently.


Otras de mis publicaciones/Other of my publications
Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Blu Smartphones G60
The photos are my property taken with my Blu G60 Smartphones cell phone
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The gifs were created by the program and EzGifMaker