in HiveGhanalast year

Home cooked meals, please. The inner chef in me is always on the alert. Not because I like to cook so much or anything - nah, nothing of sort. But just because I could not stand takeouts. There are different levels to that thing for me.


A lot of times, when I feel the rumble in my stomach as a sign of Hunger and I just cannot go through the task of making my own meals at that time, I settle for snacks.

The thing is, I grew up not taking a liking to outdoor foods. You could argue that I visit big restaurants and ask what differences are between those and the roadside foods that I shy away from.

Personally, I think a lot about the processes and environment where the food is made. I have, far too many times come across some food vendors prepare their meals and how it's handles and it just didn't sit pretty with me. I'm not even going to argue that the other big restaurants are a hundred percent better but in the few times I have had a peep into their kitchens, it was tolerable. Some even make provisions for you to sit and watch,demarcated by a transparent glass, as your meal is being made.

I like to be in control over what I ingest considering that I can be quite picky and overly hygiene conscious. It dkesbt help that my imagination runs wild at the mention of street food.

A couple of times I've thought about giving the meals a try(preferably on a day when I be home, just in the case that my stomach rebels), and I always manage to talk myself out of it.
This might just be me overthinking things or maybe it's because I've always had my meals prepared at home where I could oversee the care and all or maybe not any of the two. There may be arguments around this but that's just how I feel.

By the way too, there's the cost factor. Takeouts don't come so cheap. And coupled with the present economy situation in my dear country, i feel like it's more pocket friendly to prepare my meals myself. Presently, the prices of food items and even takeout meals have doubled. Did that affect the quantity? Of course, yes. The foods have far less quantity and in some cases(asi learned), the quality dropped too.

The amount taken to order meals could be used to purchase nutritious, quality food items/ingredients and used to prepare a healthy, homemade delicacy. This way too, one can enjoy more than one serving of the food. If you do the math, especially if you run a family and considering the instability and recession of the economy, you would rather cook at home.

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Thanks for gracing this post.


While the process of preparing might be complex during though days, it's better because you'll at least prefer under a healthy condition that some outdoor sellers.

You get it.
Might be too much of work but the end result is worth it

You can buy some takeout and just regret because of the quantity you’ll get.
You’ll just realize that the money could have cooked the same food even in larger quantity.

I tell you. The quantity of food doesn't equate the price. I'd rather just cook at home.

Yeah I understand you