This question is not for the weak

in HiveGhanalast year

Chosing between my phone and food for a full day isn't a decision one would take without looking at what you didn't choose, some indecisive people would be like "are you sure I'm not making mistake", that's 24 hours people.

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First of all, let's start with PHONE, I just can't stop laughing because I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of youths in my country would choose their phones, but anyways let's talk about me. Practically, 60% of the things I do is online, I'm the kind you of person that can stay indoors but nit for a very long time though, it's not something I usually bragg about because sometimes when I stay alone for a long time, I would indeed wish to be in the company of friends. But aside pleasure, I love staying indoors and you already know that staying indoors doesn't make sense when your phone is battery low, what's the point 😂, I could only agree with that if I want to study.

Comparing the number of things that I usually do with my phone and the number of things I do offline, I probably might choose my phone over food but before I make the final decision, let's talk about food, yes for the foodies haha 😂.

Someone that doesn't know the other option would go bragging of choosing phone over everything not until he sees that it's FOOD. Normally some people would say using their phone can be a big distraction from hunger, my people that's fake hunger, if real hunger hit you, I don't mean the mild hunger, I mean the kind of hunger that if it strikes you would advise yourself to get something to eat.

I can only stay for 24 hours without food if I decided to go on a serious fast, yeah because it's not an ordinary one and I would need God's grace at a higher level. Choosing my phone over food would mean that I will be using atp to run that fasting not God's grace 😂, anyways fasting is fasting.

The be honest, taking advantage of the fact that in the question that was asked there wasn't any restrictions, I would choose half day with food and the other with my phone, I can't just choose phone for the whole day, would I be eating phone, and on the other hand if I choose food for the whole day, I would become chubby before the next day because practically everything I would be doing is food.
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So eating food for a whole day will make you chubby the next day, then i will like to be like you so i will become chubby🤣🤣

Hahaha de play


It's the fact that you can be one chubby over night for me😄. You have great genes then.

Im joking oh
I can't even imagine myself being chubby

Don't worry, these things happen over time😊

my people that's fake hunger, if real hunger hit you, I don't mean the mild hunger, I mean the kind of hunger that if it strikes you would advise yourself to get something to eat

I couldn't help but laugh at this. You are right though, if correct hunger catch person, you go drop your phone, go find food.