A Glimpse into My Superhuman Abilities

in HiveGhana8 months ago

We all wish we could fly but unfortunately, it’s only Spider-Man , Superman and the night people we know can fly. We say mothers are super heroes but we also forget that everyone of us has that one super power within us. For some of us, we have identified it but others are still in the self discovery process.

I actually wish my super power was being able to fly so that I wouldn’t have to waste so much money booking flights to other countries. With such a super power, a vacation in Singapore isn’t even something to worry about. I’ve met people with so many special abilities and I always seem to be amazed by how everyone is unique.

I have come across people who can see into the future, people who are very smart to the extent that they leave you in awe and so may weird stuff. But then, that’s what makes each and everyone of us who we are and that’s the beauty of life. We all need one another to go on this journey called life because you never know what someone can help you with.

I remember how I had a problem with my fan a few weeks ago and I had to sleep in the heat for days. It was only when I spoke about it with one of the tenants in my house I got to know he could work on it. Within a few minutes, he was at work and my fan was up and running. This made me realize that life is much more easier when we have others around us.

Talking about super powers, I don’t know how I do it but I always find myself being able to read people even before they open their mouth to speak. Most at times, I just happen to know how this person is or what they are going to say even before they get closer to me . With this, it’s very difficult for people to lie to me because eventually, I’d let them know that they’re telling lies when necessary. I am able to read into situations almost all the time. Honestly, I don’t how it happens but it just comes to me naturally. I don’t know if I’m the only one that experiences this, maybe there’s someone out there like me.

Moving on, I’d say my other super power is my cooking skills. I don’t mean to brag but then my cooking is over the world. If you’re wondering why @yahuzah can’t live without me, it’s because he can’t get enough of my food. It’s funny how I moved from not knowing how to prepare spaghetti to preparing very sumptuous meals. God indeed works wonders looking at how far I have come in this regard.

If I am to speak of may more super powers of mine, we wouldn’t finished today but aside the fact that I can’t preform magic, I sure do have super powers and so do you!

all images belong to me.


Well... technically, Spider-man can't fly. Night People huh?😅

Ability to read people? Whoa! quite the superpower. I mean, that will always come in handy