Who doesn't love food? We all do because it is what keeps us alive and energetic for activities. Food also keeps us away from sickness and it is necessary we look into the kind of food we consume.
I love gardens that have different plants and fruits in them. Owning a garden with a variety of food helps one to save more than buying them outside. Aside from this, one's skin would always glow and shine because of food taken from the garden which is always natural and does not go through some processes like adding chemicals or fertilisers which isn't good for the health.
I don't own a garden yet, but it is something I would love to have when I have my space. But there is a little garden in my hometown and that is when I would say I eat fresh food and fruits without purchasing them outside. I know the benefits of eating fresh food directly from one's garden rather than buying at the market which some of them aren't good.
Presently, I buy my food from the market including vegetables and fruits and some other days, I am gifted fruits from those who own gardens in their home.

While in my hometown, our little garden has fruits like coconut, cashew and guava while there are vegetables like bitter leaf, okra, jute mallow, scent leaves, pepper and egusi. We don't buy these because we planted all of them in the garden and plucked them whenever we needed to prepare our meals. These items aren't hard to plant as they only require you to water them daily to keep growing.
Many times, I feel so sad when after getting some foodstuffs at the market some would have been rotten due to how long it has stayed with them and because I had no choice, I would not want to waste my money but to take care of them before eating. I wish there was a garden here where I can always pluck some vegetables that are natural and haven't gone through the fertilising process.
Though farming or owning a garden with different kinds of food is kind of a hard job it becomes enjoyable when it's harvest time. For many of us who cannot afford the money to own a garden now, we resort to food that is already processed from the market while we do not know how most of them are done.
Processed foods have already gone through processes such as cooking, freezing, canning or drying to increase their shelf life and as a result, alter their taste and nutritional content. On the other hand, food freshly taken from the farm does not undergo such a method but is taken directly without being processed. These foods are typically fresher and retain more of their nutrients and flavours.

Farm foods are said to be more nutritional and hygienic than processed food with different chemicals being added to it. In some parts of the country, farm work is taken seriously as most farmers prefer to go through the rigorous steps to plant as much food as possible to their advantage.
Food is life and we must eat the best meal especially one that is unprocessed and still retain its nutrients.
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