When we get these worthless coins we just empty our wallets and leave them in one place and over the years many appear but we never spend them; as who will accept a sack of 1 or 2 cents for a product you buy? They became waste, unfortunately...
And we empty our pockets and wallets of coins, put them in an empty box of Nutrla cream, and once or twice a year, I take that pile of coins, sometimes even a whole kilogram, to a nearby market and pay my bill with them.
when the saleswoman looks at me, I tell her "I washed the windows of cars at traffic lights, this is my tip" 😁
Money is money, whether it's a coin, banknote or electronic. I didn't steal it and when I pay, even with the smallest denominations, I'm not ashamed(maybe it's a little bit that I'm making a fuss and extra work for the saleswoman😁).