Keep moving

in Daily Blog11 months ago (edited)

The most interesting thing about planning is that things usually don't work out as you expect them to. Then you have to be creative. The excursions I intended to go on every month are in danger. Last month's was cancelled and this month's... too.

Until yesterday I was like a fish on a pallet, staring out of my glazed and agonised eyes at how I had not foreseen a Plan B for this situation. This means leaving on my own if the group fails.

Panasonic DMC-G10 -> f/5.3 - 1/640 s - ISO 200

But today it was clear to me. I saw it in the legs of these runners and in my own when I felt an unusually strong determination to get out of the sheets very early (in spanish and some invented words madrugadoramente o "madrugosamente" o "madruguísticamente"). Put your mind to it. 😏 In spanish again (Ponle mente - I say it because of the endings of those adverbs hahaha) It's what it's all about.

Aww, this thing that does me so much good: getting up early - "la madrugación". 😍

What happens is that I recognise it after everything happens, when I see that my energy is optimal and I want to eat the whole world and I'm so motivated that everything seems great...

Ok, ok. Enough. I went to Cerro Pelado, the school of High Performance Sports that is relatively close to my house, to enrol and participate for the first time in the practice of Tai Chi.

And you may ask yourself, what does Tai Chi have to do with the excursion?

It has a lot to do with it. 😜

It is a beneficial activity for the body and soul, as is visiting amazing places and dedicating a whole day to relaxation, leaving all worries and daily routines behind. Connecting with the inner self while being in contact with the natural and primal is also meaningful and legit (this word always reminds me of Galenkp).

And while we're on the subject of why they relate so much, this is also why. 🤐


Tai Chi practitioners suspended the activity.

Plan B. Did I have it? No.

So I creatively took some photos, while my brain adapted to the new situation and oxygenated, at full capacity, to say something more.

Another photo with the Panasonic Lumix... but there wasn't much else to photograph.

And it certainly was a beautiful day. Cool. Not a drop of our burning sun.

untitled.gif GIF by Tenor

These ladies fled from the frontenis court where they practice Tai Chi on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am onwards, because a few imperceptible drops of rain fell on them.

I met one of them there and she told me what I should do on Monday. Certainly, her indication seemed to me a bit retro, or old-fashioned. Retro, it is true, does not imply old-fashioned. Well... let me explain. She told me to write down my name, my ID number and my telephone number on a piece of paper so that the teacher could enrol me. And that it was kind of obligatory for me to show up there with that paper. Because otherwise she wouldn't be able to enrol me.


A piece of paper? However, I didn't utter a single sound.

Incidentally, I should point out that the enthusiastic Tai Chi practitioner was pacing around the court, breathing in and out, walking profusely. She told me that even though she was talking to me (she was really very kind and willing to help me), she could not stop her exercises. You can imagine how I received the indications, on the move.

And that's why this post is titled like this. Well, let's get moving and stop whining in the corners. No, wait, this is a line that slipped in here from a story I'm writing. I was saying that you have to get moving and improvise. I'm usually pretty good at improvisation.

I cycled a bit more at the request of someone who was going to accompany me to Tai Chi but fell asleep. I wasn't sure if I would visit her after not keeping her promise (hahaha...she collapses when she reads this), but this message was very unexpected.


Come on, I'll give you some beans - she said.


Well, that's what people are like when they mean well. They make you laugh and they also make the Universe give you beans, even if it's from their hand, because you asked for them.

(Just so you understand, yesterday when we spoke on the phone she told me that I should eat beans more often, that it's a source of protein, that people are wrong... blah, blah, blah... and I said, ok, I want to eat beans but not cook them myself).

Then I received from special agent Amanda this gift. Red beans and two chirimoyas (a delicious exotic fruit... well... 😋 I love it).

Here are some pictures of what I did with one of the chirimoyas.

After opening it, with a spoon I scraped inside and took out the edible part. This has seeds.

I added water and three tablespoons of powdered milk.

I beat and beat with the spoon so that the seeds came off and it became a smoothie. I didn't use a blender because the blades chop up the seeds. Then I had to fish them out and place them in another container. This calms anxiety. I wasn't anxious, just a little hungry. 😁

The result is called champola and it's basically whipping this with milk. And take out the seeds. I sucked them, nothing can be wasted.



But I didn't take it. I decided to make ice cream while writing this post. This is handmade. Very natural.

Pay attention:

I put it in the freezer. And every so often before it freezes completely, I go and stir it, blend, blend... that's the thing.


I've already gone to blend it twice, it's turning out divine!

Oh look, I can't stop laughing. I don't want to make you dizzy anymore. What I want to tell you from the beginning is that you have to get moving, that if the plan gets stuck, create, do something beautiful, something you are proud of when you go to bed and review your day at night.

What am I proud of? Oh, ¡es tanto! (so many things)

Well, of that - of my bike ride, of being creative. I'm proud of my friends too.

I found a spot selling Guarapo and had a drink, then shut the door on Shelnixxx once more.


And what I'm going to do about excursion... you'll see.


Chanel and Yin send Hi! We had our box fun moment.

IMG_20240412_120818.jpg IMG_20240412_125200.jpg

wait, wait, wait... where are you going?


The icecream almost ready!

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Amandaaaa!! I knew that the ladies would not expose themselves to the rain that did not fall...that's why I did not go 🤣. Además...tú llegaste tarde!!😜

How delicious that ice cream...con chirimollas de Matanzas!!!!

Amandaaaa 🤗

(Acabo de comer. Los frijoles están exquisitos. Y bueno, qué te puedo decir del helado, 😂, una ricuridad)


Recuerda el papel para el lunes. 😂

Haha, so you were the friend that fell asleep :)

Yes 🤣. After all I'm would have been in vain 🤭.

they also make the universe give you beans jajaja... funny words...yes beans are really good protein... You are right! Keep mind open for news ideas an experiences... delicious ice cream!

👌 Always!

I hope you're doing well, Pinero.

Mejor dia, imposible !!! Frijoles, guarapo y champola... Y como cierre una divertida escaramuza de gati-perri en caja 😁. No hubo Tai Chi Chuan pero hubo pedaleo, no hubo sol pero hubo meneo 🏃🏼‍♀️, todo perfecto tal como "uni" ordena el caos. Creo que por eso el plan B estaba de más!!!

Me encanta el Tai Chi !!!👏👏👏
...sabes que es como el Kung fu, pero suave... ⛩️🥋

Yo siempre digo que todo tiene un porqué. Jajaja...

Sari, sí, desde hace mucho tiempo quiero practicarlo, desde que era una adolescente para ser exacta. Lo que pasa es que nunca encontré a alguien dedicado a eso para que me enseñara. Y ahora he estado pensando que supe que se practicada Tai Chi allí en el Cerro Pelado, desde la primera vez que fuimos a jugar Frontenis. Eso quiere decir algo... es hora de que me inicie. Y creo que lo necesito mucho.


Esa caja ahora es la cama más disputada en esta casa.

But sometimes things work out even better :)

Nice to see you enjoying some sunshine, angel

True. 😅😇

That's how I hope they work out for you. Hugs Nicky.


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks 😊 @ewkaw and @qurator I saved you champola ice cream. 😅😉

Ice cream... 🤤

You're very welcome!:)

I have one more of those fruits left to make more ice cream. Oh, ice cream is irresistible to me.

frijoles y chirimoyas.jpeg

This pic that I forgot to upload... the beans and the chirimoyas. Amanda put the beans in that dressing pot that had a screw-on lid so they wouldn't spill inside my backpack (which had my camera in there). Here everything is reused. 😉

How many roads sometimes life throws up, or traffic jams and then you have to take a shortcut or change course but never stop.

Mmmm.... that looks delicious, never tried it and with ice now that summer is coming... very good recipe!!!!

Creativity and improvisation and keep going!😃

¿Y tú sabes qué fruta es la chirimoya? ¿Conoces el mamey?

Si! Acá se vende en todas partes, la he comido es muy rica, la chirimoya. Además trabajé en una frutería jajaja

El mamey... no, ni idea, lo voy a buscar en Google.

Ya ves lo sencillo que es, sólo leche (si lo quieres más dulce, dos cucharadas de azúcar) y batir. Antes de que se congele lo vuelves a batir y lo pones de nuevo en la nevera. Y si esto lo puedes hacer varias veces, mejor. ¿Has visto cómo es una máquina de hacer helado? Ellas van congelando y batiendo.

Que rico por dios! Para este verano, super delicioso y refrescante! Eso más playa a full!

Mira la respuesta que le di a ewkaw. 😜
El mamey es otra de mis frutas preferidas. Estaba pensando en hacer un post sobre eso.

El helado es irresistible también para mi jajaja, hay que aprovechar todo! Más helado! Genial la foto jaja


Thank you @nanixxx for this great tutorial on champola ice cream. I took note of every step. I did my planning, I signed up for the Tai-chi group, but the class has not been discontinued, I also don't have a friend to give me beans. any suggestions?

First and foremost is la madrugación. Eso creo que lo tienes cubierto. Ya después lo demás se organiza solo. Hay quien cree que no hace falta ni siquiera un Plan B.
Well, if you have no one to give you beans, oh, that's serious hahaha.

I am reassured by your words, besides, maybe someone can give me some beans (it would not be so strange). But, now that I'm doing tai chi, when I really wanted an ice cream; something tells me that somewhere else, someone who wanted to do tai chi ended up having an ice cream. I don't know, that something tells me that there's something weird about this.... 🤔

Remember that as above, so below and vice versa. 😉


Es cierto; en ocasiones soy obstruso y no veo 🙈 😁.
Feliz sábado @nanixxx

No, Ramones, no te digas esas cosas. 😂
Feliz sábado.

Está bien, te haré caso, me diré otras cosas 😁;
Feliz sábado.

That was a post full of surprises!

Like your day :)

Good morning, I'll go for a Greek walk and see what surprises await me.

Best regards to traisto and to you. Have a nice weekend.

You too :)

Que sabrosa se ve la champola. Y el guarapo como me gusta. Creo que lo pasaste genial a pesar de todo. Siempre hay que tener un plan B. Y sobre todo disfrutar. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

😜 Helado

No sufras, te haré uno si vienes. 😄

Sábado, sol, paseo,fotos aprovechalo.🥰😁❤️

That looks like dessert.

You caught me! 😄



Hola! Estoy listo para llamar!


What I want to tell you from the beginning is that you have to get moving, that if the plan gets stuck, create, do something beautiful, something you are proud of when you go to bed and review your day at night.

This is the perfect takeaway for me, don't stay where you were stuck, make a move, take some steps, do something you haven't done before that will make you feel better.


You got it, dreemer! Thanks for stopping by and commenting here! 😉