Hello friends how are you all doing today username is @bummblebee and this is my first post in the plant power vegan community,so happy to be here.
Today i made a dish not so special but special,i made a vege noodles dish today with simple ingredients you can grow in your backyard or find easily at the market place.
- 2 fresh tomatoes
- Carrot
- medium size onion
- 1 table spoon of dry pepper
- 1 table spoon of groundnut oil
- Few leafs of scent leaf (picked from my garden)
- 1½ cups of water
- 2 packs of noodles
- STEP 1
So after getting all my ingredients ready and all set i started off by chopping up the vegetables the fresh tomatoes,onions and carrots and set them aside.
- STEP 2
Now with your veges aside and all cut the next time i did was to rinse a pot and put it on the fire,after the water dried up i now added 1 spoon of groundnut oil or a bottle cap quantity of groundnut oil leaving it to heat up for a while.
- STEP 3
After the groundnut oil heated up for about a minute or 2 i now addedd my already cut vegetables in the oil and stiring gently till it drys up a little bit,i waited for about 2 minutes for the perfect texture.
- STEP 4
Now i added some dried peppers in a tea spoon fill of dry peppers will do depending on the quantity of your dish you can add more,and i stired gently as well to mix properly.
- STEP 5
After stiring together the mixture of both vegetables and peppers i now added 1½ cups of water for the quantity of noodles i was preparing you can also add more water depending on the quantity and also how u want your noodles to turn out,i am making mine to be on the dry side.
After adding the water i also stired again for properly mixing.
- STEP 6
Now is finally time for the main character of the dish the instant noodles i was cooking was made by indomie a popular noodles making company in Africa.
I got my noodles out the pack and put them in the boiling water of veges and i prefer my noodles long so i didn't break them while putting them in.
After putting them all in i stired gently once more so the all can get evenly soaked.
- STEP 7
Immediately after dumping them in the water i added the seasoning contained in the noodles pack which also contained pepper.
I added and you it i stired once more again to get the seasoning evenly spread.
- STEP 8
Next step was to add the scent leafs which i picked freshly from my garden at home i picked them,washed and cut them up and the went right into the pot which i also gently stired them around a little bit.
- STEP 9 (final step)
Finally are noodles is taking shape and all we have to do now is wait for about 4 to 5 mintues for it to cook properly.
Aftet a while of waiting about 2 minutes in the wait time i checked the noodles out once more and the were looking good 😋.
And voola finally the noodles are done and ready to eat.
I dished the food for my self and my kid bro and we enjoyed it.
Thats how i made my noodles today guys and thanks for reading through the post and tell me your thoughts guys about this dish is it something you would try?
Bye for now