Porridge plantain in vegetables well garnished

in Plant Power (Vegan)2 months ago (edited)

Time for lunch was knocking at door and i was thinking what will i have for lunch? Definitely I don't want to do rice because seems like a daily food in Nigeria. Boom!! Porridge plantain came into my mind but it's always prepared locally and cent leaves add a vegetable. Oh no, that's not what i want in porridge plantain this afternoon.

Carrots is a season vegetable and we're at the season. Since am unable to save preserve this seasonal veggies let me always add to my meal to benefits now and get it's nutrition content.

I had to go in to prepare this delicacy for myself. Do wanna come with me?

Porridge Plantain in Vegetables


  • 3 plantains

  • 1 cooking spoon of red oil

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 seasoning cube

  • 1 small size fresh tomatoes

  • 2 moderate size of carrots

  • 1 medium size ball of Onion

  • 3 grams of vegetable

  • 5 pieces of scotch bonnet (pepper)

Had to proceed to slicing the things that need to be sliced. The vegetables, carrots, plantain, onion in different shapes, tomato and then roughly pound my pepper. My ingredients are readily prepared, so let's take a step at a time.

Step 1
I started with putting my pot with water on fire.

Added my sliced plantain to the pot and covered for some minutes.

Step 2
It's time to add the ingredients i started with the pepper, onion, salt and seasoning cube.

I stepped up the cooking by adding my red oil, carrots and vegetables.

I added the green vegetables and guess what? The food is done but to ready to be served, because i have it in mind to garnish this food. So i dished it out and garnished it with small onion sliced in a ring shap with the fresh tomatoes.

This? Was actually what i wanted for lunch and i did just the way i longed for.


What an healthy dish 🤤🤤

It was prepared with good health in mind.

Hi @iamchimary

There are not 25 grams of plantain there. One tablespoon is equal to 25 grams, and there I am looking at 3 plantains. Please correct that amount, which is surely much more, and if you have no idea how much they weigh, place three plantains.

It was meant 250 and not 25. But the correction has been made.