OK, friends, on this occasion we meet again. @ihsanbayor07 on this occasion I have prepared several photos of my activities, okay friends, before we go to the topic, let's greet our friends together, wherever they are, hopefully they are all fine and can meet us. in each of our posts OK, friends, without us going on at length, let's look at some of the photos that I have prepared below, from the first time I found it until I cleaned it and it became instant noodles mixed with mushrooms. Oh yes, Timan, friend, it feels like a friend, oh really it's really delicious and I will look for it again the next day because the race makes me remember all the time and it's hard for me to do it because it's so delicious it's really hard to forget, right?
In a very beautiful moment, I went back to hunting for mushrooms that I had found a few weeks ago, namely mushrooms that grow on banana stems that have been cut down and the banana stems are rotten and usually like to grow mushrooms because these mushrooms usually grow while After the rain, I usually find mushrooms when the rainy season stops, my friends
For the noodles that I told my brother to make, I told the brother who made the noodles that I told him to just use instant noodles, friend, because I really like these noodles, especially since they have a mixture of typical Acehnese spiced mushrooms which are very full of lots of them.
Oke teman teman semua cukup sampai disini perjumpaan kita semoga kita dapat berjumpa di postingan postingan yang sangat menarik tentunya di komunitas yang sangat hebat ini dan semoga teman teman semua dalam keadaan baik baik saja semoga kita terus dapat berjumpa di setiap postingan postingan yang akan datang dan saya tidak pernah lupa untuk mendoakan semoga teman semua diberi umur panjang dan dimudahkan apapun pekerjaan nya. Oke teman saya. @ihsanbayo07 terimakasih 🤝🫡🍄🍝🍜🤤🤤