[ENG/SPN] Consequences of repeating recipes and republishing old content

in Plant Power (Vegan)11 months ago (edited)


A repetitive blog, is a poor blog


Photo by Nadine Marfurt

For several months we have been watching with concern, how some of the members of the vegan family (not many, fortunately) are engaging in a practice that in our opinion is very impoverishing the quality of their blogs, and it is the REPETITION OF RECIPES, and in very few cases we have also seen the RECYCLING of some photographic material. The latter is especially SEVERE, since reposting and recycling of material IS NOT ALLOWED in Hive.


We believe that we are a loving and respectful community, fostering harmony and goodwill among members, but that does not mean that we are weak, permissive or indulgent in inappropriate practices. We are also very aware that worldwide, there are limitations at the economic level and access to food, we know this very well, but such circumstances ARE NOT EXCUSES, to repeat recipes ad nauseam with slight variations, or recycle content; We have even given alternatives, for example, months ago we made a publication, inviting you to review accounts on other social networks that offer vegan recipes. You can see that post HERE.


The world of gastronomy in general, including vegan gastronomy, is VERY BROAD, as there are different techniques of food preparation, different ways of combining the same ingredients, without any significant effort. With just a few ingredients, some creativity, a search for information and the desire to have a quality blog, you can make good vegan recipes. It is not necessary to buy expensive products in stores to create a good recipe, because with fruits, vegetables, grains, spices, etc. you can make different dishes, you just need to put interest and desire to create good content. What's more, this community is flexible with the use of certain products, such as white sugar and wheat flour, because we know that buying 100% vegan sweeteners or flours other than wheat can be very expensive.


Now, having said all this, we want to express that the consequences of repeating recipes or reusing old material could be summarized in a single phrase: LOSS OF TRUST, and it is like that, it cannot be otherwise. The Plant Power (Vegan) community team will no longer have the same disposition and security when curating a post from a person who we have detected recycling content or repeating recipes. Our time is very valuable to become detectives 24 hours a day, to constantly review the previous publications of a user who has engaged in these practices.


So, we call on you to try to create good content, to transcend the comfort of what is known, to investigate, document, read, learn and even, create new recipes. Don't stay in the same place, look for excellence. Remember that our blogs are a reflection of who we are, they are proof of what we have been, in fact, they document our time on this planet and in this life. We invite you to leave a beautiful legacy, which when read in future years, both by your descendants and by other people, will generate admiration and serve as a recipe book or guide to prepare delicious vegan dishes.




Consecuencias de la repetición de recetas y del reposteo de contenido antiguo

Un blog repetitivo, es un pobre blog


Tenemos varios meses viendo con preocupación, como algunos de los miembros de la familia vegana, (no muchos, afortunadamente), están incurriendo en una práctica que a nuestro criterio es muy empobrecedora de la calidad de los blogs de ellos, y es la REPETICIÓN DE RECETAS, y en muy contados casos también hemos visto el RECICLADO de algún material fotográfico. Esto último, es especialmente GRAVE, pues el reposteo, el reciclaje de material NO ES PERMITIDO en Hive.


Consideramos que somos una comunidad amorosa y respetuosa, que fomentamos la armonía y la buena voluntad entre los miembros, pero eso no implica que seamos débiles, permisivos o indulgentes con prácticas inadecuadas. También estamos muy conscientes de que a nivel mundial, existen limitaciones a nivel económico y de acceso a los alimentos, esto lo sabemos muy bien, pero tales circunstancias NO SON EXCUSAS, para repetir hasta la saciedad recetas con ligeras variaciones, o reciclar contenido; incluso, hemos dado alternativas, por ejemplo, meses atrás hicimos una publicación, invitando a revisar cuentas en otras redes sociales, que ofrecen recetas veganas. Pueden ver ese post AQUÍ.


El mundo de la gastronomía en general, incluyendo la gastronomía vegana es AMPLÍSIMO, pues existen diversas técnicas de elaboración de alimentos, diferentes maneras de combinar los mismos ingredients, sin que esto implique un gasto importante. Con pocos ingredients, algo de creatividad, búsqueda de información y deseos de tener un blog de calidad, se pueden hacer buenas recetas veganas. No es preciso adquirir costosos productos en las tiendas para crear una buena receta, pues con frutas, verduras, granos, especias, etc., se pueden hacer distintos platillos, sólo se requiere poner interés y ganas a crear buen contenido. Es más, esta comunidad es flexible con el uso de ciertos productos como son el azúcar blanco y la harina de trigo, porque sabemos que adquirir endulzantes 100% veganos o harinas distintas a las del trigo, puede ser muy costoso.


Ahora bien, dicho todo esto, queremos expresar que las consecuencias de repetir recetas o reutilizar material antiguo, podrían resumirse en una sola frase: PÉRDIDA DE CONFIANZA, y es así, no puede ser de otro modo. El equipo de la comunidad Plant Power (Vegan), no tendrá ya la misma disposición y la seguridad, a la hora de curar un post de una persona a la que le hemos detectado reciclaje de contenido o repetición de recetas. Nuestro tiempo es muy valioso para convertirnos en unos detectives las 24 horas del día, para revisar constantemente las publicaciones previas de un usuario que haya incurrido en esas prácticas.


Así, que les hacemos un llamado a que traten de crear buen contenido, de trascender la comodidad de lo conocido, a que investiguen, se documenten, lean, aprendan e incluso, creen nuevas recetas. No se queden en el mismo lugar, busquen la excelencia. Recuerden que nuestros blogs son reflejo de lo somos, son la prueba de lo que hemos sido, es más, documentan nuestro paso por este planeta y por esta vida. Les invitamos a dejar un hermoso legado, que al ser leído en años futuros, tanto por sus descendientes como por otras personas, generen admiración y sirvan como recetario o guía para preparar deliciosos platillos veganos.


Delegations welcome!

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Gracias por tomarse el tiempo en, una vez más, invitarnos a mejorar cada día en el contenido que compartimos en esta comunidad y en nuestro Blog en general.

Hola @verdesmeralda

Lamentablemente debemos hacer este tipo de posts a raíz de comportamientos inadecuados de los miembros de la familia vegana. Nos gustaría hacerlos sin que ese fuese el motivo, sino simplemente animarlos a que cada día busquen la excelencia y creen mejor contenido. Agradecemos que te sientas motivada por este tipo de post.


Thank you for this extraordinary post, I have become more careful in choosing menus and ingredients that will be used in recipes that I want to share in the future.

I really agree with you, this community is very flexible with vegan ingredients that are easily available, of course it makes it very easy for me who lives far from big cities. Like sugar that is 100% vegan is really very expensive and very difficult to find in my country.

Thank you vegan community, for providing space for us to continue sharing simple recipes here, of course without forgetting the community rules!.

Hi @nurfay

The idea is that the members of this community enjoy the vegan experience, without it becoming a stressful task, but rather inspiring and enriching, which is why we are flexible. We appreciate that you are careful with your recipes, this is evident in your content, which is very varied and of high-quality. Greetings.

Thank you for your understanding @sirenahippie, I really appreciate it!

thank you for reminding me, this is very useful for me and all of us... it's true that we can create different content even with the same ingredients because if we are good at collaborating ingredients it can certainly make delicious and interesting food, especially for a vegan menu, it's very challenging in my opinion and When we become blog writers we are required to make good blogs and we have to be creative, unique but what we convey can be well received by those who read it.

Hi @indahayuu

The idea is that you have a varied and high-quality blog. And yes, with a group of ingredients, making different combinations and using different techniques, you can achieve recipes that are very different from each other, hence our invitation to you to seek excellence and variety. We appreciate that you have read our post. Greetings.

Thank you so much for this reminder @plantpoweronhive . Its very important we the users and community members help make #plantpowervegan what its all about, despite not having 💯 percent pure vegan 🌱 items that are so expensive, which I immensely thank the #plantpowervegan team for their understanding.

I personally will try to be more careful in the use of ingredients and making of recipes because creating good contents is a legacy we all will remember to enjoy as a family of #plantpowervegan and on Hive in general

Thank you once again @plantpoweronhive for all the understanding and benefits given to we the users of this community. More blessings to this community.

Hi @sunshine29

Yes, we want you to be able to enjoy the vegan experience (even though we are not all 100% vegan), in a gentle and fluid way, that is why we are flexible, we know that ingredients labeled as vegan are really expensive and difficult to find in stores, shops and markets. We appreciate your willingness to make varied content, and remember that this blog will be the legacy for your children, grandchildren and future generations.


Surely dear @sirenahippie . Vegan is health itself and am already this healthy lifestyle with #plantpowervegan community and hope commit more effort for building this legacy of life referencing.

Thank you once again for all you and #plantpowervegan team are doing for our beloved community.

Blessings 😇🙏❤️.