I have...
- Two guitars - one steel string, one flamenco nylon
- A tiny midi keyboard for production purposes
- A tin whistle
- A shakuhachi (japanese wooden flute)
- A Turkish drum
- An ocarina
- A cheap ($150) viola
- A ukulele
- A harmonica
- Some mysterious tibetan one-note flute things (a b-day gift lol)
- A kalimba
- My voice (It counts!)
I think it's super enriching to surround yourself in different perspectives of music like this, even if theyre jsut cheap tack like harmonicas and ocarinas in the shape of a bird. They just help you think about music and the world differently. Good for creativity ^__^
(A very almost had a Lyre too, but tragically I had to give it away as a gift for an old student of mine. Sigh.)