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What's common between my friend and Session Road?
Me and my gorgeous friend went to SESSION ROAD as it is that time of the year again where many stalls that sells different products are stationed there. It's Session Road in Bloom!
But guess what caught pur attention first:
I didn't get his name but he sells his own handmade toy that is from recycled materials. I bought 2 for my daughters. They look so cute. I recommend you guys buying from him not just to have a cute toy but to help him as well. He is at the top part of Session Road in Bloom.
Going down, Anne, my friend told me that she haven't had lunch so we looked for a stall that sells food. Our first stop.was an empanada stall and we bought pasalubong for our family too. With the pasalubong in mind, I remembered what my 1st child told me. She wanted DOUGHNUTS! so I looked for a stall selling doughnuts.
yeeey! I'm sure my daughter will love this!
After that, Anne still wants to buy food so we continued walking. I also craved for a sausage and yep! We found a stall selling sausages
please excuse my tired look
Moving on, I took some snaps on the stalls that we passed by:
And so, before going to the bus station, we were intrigued on why Amare has a crowd gathering around. So we also went and looked at what is being sold.It's a waffle with icecream. An g glutton, we also bought one.
Look how happy she is! 😌
Satisfied gluttons
Close up image of the waffle
Here's another thing to see while in session: A live Band!
And that's the last thing we passed by as we went to the bus station. ☺️
Thank you again for taking your time to read my blog. I sure do hope you enjoyed being with us on our short journey.
And to answer the question in the beginning of this blog, My friend and Session Road are both in bloom ☺️. She's Single by the way. 😁