Hello everyone, very good morning. I recently went for a walk around my city, which is celebrating its anniversary, and it is very common to see typical food for sale everywhere. One of the ones I enjoy the most, is the chicha criolla, it is usually made with rice, but some vendors also make it with pasta, and all the rest of the ingredients, and to be honest, although I like both, I have tried some pasta chichas that are delicious. So I wanted to gather all the ingredients to prepare one, although some time ago I had done a test, but this one was better than any other.

Below is the list of ingredients I used in this recipe.
A continuación les doy la lista de ingredientes que usé en esta receta.

250 gr of short pasta
1 ½ liter of water
Powdered milk (2 tablespoons)
Sugar (1 tablespoon)
Cinnamon (To taste)
Vanilla (1 teaspoon)
Condensed milk (Optional)
Note: The amount of dough yields for 10 servings, but the complete recipe was made with one serving.

The first thing to do is to boil for 5 minutes the liter and a half of water with the cinnamon sticks.
Remove the cinnamon sticks from the water and add the paste. Let it boil until it is very soft and there is little water left. Turn it off and let it rest covered.
The paste already rested, is liquefied little by little until obtaining a mixture without lumps. It is kept in a covered container and refrigerated.
The portions are prepared when desired, adding the rest of the ingredients to the liquefied paste.
Lo primero es poner a hervir por 5 min, el litro y medio de agua con las ramas de canela.

For a glass or portion:
Place one and a half cups of the liquefied paste, one teaspoon of vanilla, two tablespoons of powdered milk, one tablespoon of sugar, and one-half cup of cold water in the blender. Blend and serve in a glass with ice, add condensed milk and sprinkle powdered cinnamon. And enjoy!
Para un vaso o porción:

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. Thank you all for visiting my blog. Happy day.
Espero que hayan disfrutado esta receta. Gracias a todos por visitar mi blog. Feliz día.

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El traductor utilizado es: Deepl Translator // The translator used is: Deepl Translator
Separadores cortesía de eve66 // Dividers courtesy of eve66.

Contenido Original del Autor
Aplicaciones: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot y Pixiz.
Traducción: Deepl Traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
Las imágenes personales son tomadas con un dispositivo móvil Android Xiaomi Redmi 13 de mi propiedad.
Las imágenes utilizadas en los banners, minibanners, gifs y separadores, son cortesía de Pixabay.
Derechos Reservados del Autor: @annafenix (2021 – 2025)

Original Author Content
Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator www.DeepL.com/Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Xiaomi Redmi 13 mobile device owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2025)