Recently the Francisco de Albear Credit and Services Cooperative began producing mango leaf and avocado leaf tea. These products are being sold in different pharmacies in the country. A couple of days ago I was able to access them, I tried them and they seemed excellent.

To prepare them, add one teaspoon (tea size) of the contents of the sachet to a glass of boiling water. Let infuse for 3 minutes. Add sugar to taste.

- Antiflamatoria, antifúngicas, antiparasitaria, antitumoral, antibacteriana y antioxidante.
- Gran aliado en el control de la diabetes.
- Ayuda en el tratamiento del asma y a regular la presión arterial.
- Combate el estrés y la ansiedad.
- Fortalece el sistema inmunológico.
- Antiinflammatory, antifungal, antiparasitic, antitumor, antibacterial and antioxidant.
- Great ally in the control of diabetes.
- Helps in the treatment of asthma and regulate blood pressure.
- Fight stress and anxiety.
- Strengthens the immune system.

- Antioxidante, digestiva y analgésica.
- Da energía y elimina el cansancio.
- Combate dolores menstruales, alivia la tos, disminuye la acides estomacal.
- Reduce los niveles de glucosa en sangre por lo que su ingesta se recomienda a personas diabéticas.
- Alivia el insomnio, es un suave laxante y combate leves infecciones urinarias.
- Antioxidant, digestive and analgesic.
- Gives energy and eliminates fatigue.
- Fights menstrual pain, relieves cough, reduces stomach acid.
- Reduces blood glucose levels, so its intake is recommended for diabetic people.
- Relieves insomnia, is a mild laxative and combats mild urinary infections.
Among the contraindications of these infusions is the fact that they should not be ingested by children, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or by patients taking anticoagulants. They should not be ingested in excess.