Quietly quiet

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

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The weather's been erratic the past couple of months and my health has been feeling the worst of it. I've not felt whole for the most part of the year and it doesn't seem like improving.

I feel drowsy for pretty much the whole day and have to constantly drink something hot to keep the sore throat at bay.

I also bought some honey at Tesco because that usually helps, in the long run. It says "natural" on the bottle, so hopefully, it'll do what it's supposed to do.

When I get home, I'll make a couple cups of tea, put honey in them and gulp them. That should kick the sore throat away.

Healthcare has been a major concern for me, since we moved to the UK. The average hospital here is more equipped than what you'd get in Nigeria but the issue is they're not easily accessible.

Unlike Nigeria where we simply just walked into a hospital to receive treatment, in the UK, you have to phone a couple days ahead to book an appointment. The only people that "jump the queue" are people in an ambulance.

If I was in Nigeria, I'd have met a doctor to fix me. Since I'm here and have no access to a doctor, I've been looking at natural remedies that I can find in food.


in the UK, you have to phone a couple days ahead to book an appointment.

How long does it take usually?

Is it for everyone? or something like private or govt hospitals/doctors type thing where money speaks?

I pray for your fast recovery.