Around the home - In the kitchen

in #neoxian3 months ago

The lime thing

As promised I have returned and am about to to something absolutely insane with those beautiful green babies.

Have you ever come across a recipe with one of those unusual ingredients that you just can't find anywhere? Well, I have a Saudi dish that I am just dying to try out, alas it calls for dried whole lime powder, which apparently you can get from middle eastern stores. Sadly we don't have any of those in my home town, I tried a few Asian stores but they don't stock it, so I ran up a search and found I could buy some limes and make the powder at home.

Cut and dried

According to the instructions I read, this process takes about 12 hours at the lowest possible oven setting (in my case 100°C).
I may have sliced mine a bit too thin so I would definitely recommend slicing them about 2mm thick and turning them over every half hour. This should take about 4-5 hours, 6 at the most.


Once they are dry it is time to grind them. You can use a coffee grinder, or a mortar and pestle with some good old-fashioned elbow grease, I found it much easier (and faster) to use a Nutri Bullet™️. I also decided to leave out the darkest pieces.
My recipe calls for half a teaspoon of powder so I only used 2 limes, but you can make as much or as little as you like.

I would very much love to be able to add some "scratch 'n' sniff" panels here so that you can experience just how amazing these aromas are, as the limes were drying my house was filled with a sort-of coconut type scent, and the finished product smells equally divine.

Next time I will share with you my Saudi recipe so you can see this incredible lime powder in action. Until then stay safe and have a great day. 😁

A sneak peak