Thank you very much for reading my content and warmest regards from me in Indonesia. Be happy, and see you.
Thank you very much for reading my content and warmest regards from me in Indonesia. Be happy, and see you.
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I'm imagining that your Aceh Fried Noodle would be a perfect combination with a pair of loaf of bread. 🤤 I'm craving right now. Great post!
In our country, the Philippines, people love to eat their fried noodle with a little bit of sour taste so we opt to add 1-2 pieces of calamansi. 😊😊
Hello friend @bahagia-arbi! How interesting your post. As I see all the food they serve in the place is vegetarian, and also very striking. Those noodles look delicious, I generally like noodles a lot, so I have no doubt that it would be a dish that I would love to eat, hahaha. On the other hand, I liked the simplicity of the site, as well as the availability of options for diners. Those prawn crackers look so tasty; Well, I understand your love for espresso, I also like it a lot, nothing more comforting than a good cup in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon. A big greeting.
¡Hola amigo @bahagia-arbi! Que interesante tu post. Según veo toda la comida que sirven en el local es vegetariana, y además muy llamativa. Esos fideos se ven deliciosos, a mí generalmente me gustan mucho los fideos, por lo que no dudo que sería un plato que me encantaría comer, jajajaja. Por otra parte, me gustó la sencillez del sitio, así como la disponilidad de opciones para los comensales. Esas galletas saladas de gambas se ven muy sabrosas; y bueno, entiendo tu amor por el café expréss, a mí también me gusta mucho, nada más reconfortante que una buena taza a media mañana o a media tarde. Un gran saludo.