dewabrata in #hive-140084 • last monthTACO TUESDAYS : THE MOST SORROWFUL YELLOW RICEI do not know how many weeks I have been absence in publishing any #Taco-Tuesdays posts, but today finally I manage to get some time to post it again. But today is Wednesday Ldewabrata in #hive-140084 • 2 months agoJust A Rambling Thought - Visiting Groceries Usually I make a post using one or two firm approach, such as define the topic, set the conveyed message, build up outline, then start filling those outline with words and…dewabrata in #hive-107801 • 2 months agoIndomie Borju? Nostalgia sedikit ah...Salam semuanya, semoga baik-baik saja Saya yakin kita semua di sini pernah makan Indomie, ataupun mie instant lainnya ntah itu mie kuah ataupun mie goreng. Sudah di budaya kita…dewabrata in #hive-107801 • 2 months agoBerubahnya Budaya Potluck Era OjolHalo semuanya, apa kabar Mungkin di kesempatan ini saya tidak akan menulis sepanjang yang biasanya, mau sengaja saya buat simpel dan singkat saja biar yang lain juga bisa…dewabrata in #hive-107801 • 3 months agoTernyata Kepala Bebek Itu Tidak Seenak Kepala AyamHari selasa semestinya waktunya saya untuk menulis tentang makan di komunitas FreeCompliment, akan tetapi karena saya memiliki sebuah ide yang mungkin ditolak atau direspon…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 3 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : THE WET NOODLE EPISODE 2Today I am back a gain with my #Taco-Tuesdays post. For you who do not know what is this post, It's a routine foodie post I make on every Tuesday in #freecompliments community.…dewabrata in #hive-120586 • 3 months agoWho Doesn't Love Candies anyway? Well,DARS is My FavoriteIt's been a long long time ago since my last post here, maybe two years ago. Today I come to foodie bee hive to share my thought about Candy, as part of Inleo engagement Prompt…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 4 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : PISCOK - PISANG COKLATHi all, welcome to my #Taco-Tuesdays post. It's a routine foodie post I make on every Tuesday in #freecompliments community. So It's not only about Taco, but it's all about…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 4 months agoNOT SO TACO TUESDAYS : REASON FOR AN EMPTY PLACEGood Day Everyone This should be a #Taco-Tuesdays post, a foodie post in our beloved #freecompliments community. However I don't feel good enough to make a good foodie post, so…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 4 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : URITAN, AN EGG THAT IS NOT AN EGGHello, How are you today Welcome to my #Taco-Tuesdays post, a foodie post in our beloved #freecompliments community. Today I am sharing you about one of Indonesian traditional…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 4 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : My Favorite Butter!!! And The End of Kinpira Gobo SagaToday Taco Tuesdays would be a different one, because I have merged it with my InLeo @leogrowth themed post. We have a good topic today for our Inleo Monthly Prompt, it is about…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 4 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : CHONGQING GRILLED FISH It's TACO TUESDAYS time!!! So today topic as you can read on my subject above... What??? Ching Cong Fish? Just kidding, don't get too personal withdewabrata in #hive-107801 • 5 months agoBiaya Ngopi Di Cafe Pantasnya Berapa?Loe ada waktu ga? klo ga sibuk kita ketemu yok ngopi-ngopi bentar. Percakapan seperti itu sudah hal biasa ketika kita berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman kita, terutama bilamana…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 5 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : CLASSIC JAPANESE CUISINEGreeting Everyone Welcome to my Taco Tuesdays post, a weekly themed post on HIVE #freecompliments community. Everyweek I share some food here, let say my foodie posts, so we…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 5 months agoTACO TUESDAYS : KAMBING (GOAT)Hi, How Are You Everyone? Hope you all having a good day Sorry I have been away for a while from #freecompliments, I have my hands full and my health has been bad recently, so…dewabrata in #hive-107801 • 6 months agoPadang Fried ChickenHi Dah lama tidak bermain ke komunitas satu jiwa ini. Biar ga terlalu lama sepi, saya isi sesuatu yang random ya hari ini namun seperti biasa topik saya tidak akan jauh-jauh…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 6 months agoSoto Mie ~ A Delicious Calorie Bomb From West JavaGreetings, Everyone It's Taco Tuesday Time, It is a #freecompliments community Foodie Fiesta, where every Tuesday we are sharing our foodie posts to share the joy with all!…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 7 months agoTaco Tuesdays ~ Walk With Me, Get A Street PorridgeHello Buddy, We Meet Again Here On My post... Welcome to my #Taco-Tuesdays post, this is my foodie post on #freecompliments community and although itdewabrata in #hive-140084 • 7 months agoSometime We Keep Eating Those Food Despite...Hello, Good Day Everyone This week I might post a lot about foodie posts because I am cleaning up some shots that I have in my phone that I can't finish them into my…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 7 months agoTaco Tuesdays ~ Babi Panggang Karo - North Sumatran Grilled PorkHello There, Welcome To My Taco Tuesdays POST Ok as usual, My #Taco-Tuesdays post on #freecompliments is about food from my country, Indonesia. This