Hello friends of Hive Sucre. Today I'm stopping by to show you a delicious breakfast that I acquired thanks to my HBD. It was a delicious shredded meat empanada with mango juice.
Lo primero es que había quedado con una amiga en ir a desayunar juntas, pero ambas debíamos hacer antes algunas diligencias, yo tenía que llevar a arreglar mi moto, luego fui al banco a aperturarme una cuenta y allí la cola estaba bastante larga y se demoraban bastante, así que luego de bastante rato ya esperando mi turno le dije a ella que creía que se me iba a hacer tarde, y efectivamente se me hicieron las 11 AM, no la pude ver a ella y al salir del banco luego que me atendieron tenia demasiada hambre. Estaba despierta desde las 6:30 sin nada en el estómago así que en cuanto terminé en el banco me fui corriendo a Crab Bay Market que quedaba muy cerca realmente de dónde estaba y fue un alivio porque se que ahí aceptan HBD así que me dirigi a la feria de comida y me comentaron que solo quedaban empanadas de carne mechada y carne molida, me fui por la de carne mechada, notifique que iba a pagar con HBD, me dieron un papel con el monto que eran #2,70HBD y me fuí directo a el area de pastelería a buscar a la muchacha encargada, abrí mi app HIVE KEYCHAIN, ella allí me mostró el Código QR, aproveche de escanearlo y en mi teléfono apareció la operación y me solicitó que confirmara, presione confirmar y listo, factura generada rápido y fácil.
The first thing is that I had agreed to go to breakfast together with a friend, but we both had to do some errands first, I had to take my motorcycle to be fixed, then I went to the bank to open an account and there the line was quite long and they took a while quite a while, so after waiting for my turn for quite a while I told her that I thought I was going to be late, and in fact it was 11 AM, I couldn't see her and when I left the bank after they helped me I was too hungry. I was awake since 6:30 with nothing in my stomach so as soon as I finished at the bank I ran to Crab Bay Market which was really close to where I was and it was a relief because I know they accept HBD there so I headed to the food fair and they told me that there were only shredded meat and ground beef empanadas left, I went for the shredded meat one, I notified that I was going to pay with HBD, they gave me a paper with the amount that was #2.70HBD and I left I went straight to the pastry area to look for the girl in charge, I opened my HIVE KEYCHAIN app, there she showed me the QR Code, I took advantage of scanning it and the operation appeared on my phone and she asked me to confirm, press confirm and that's it, invoice generated quick and easy.
Me entregaron mi empanada con guasacaca y mi jugo, me senté a desayunar sola y Dios, realmente ví el cielo, tenia demasiada hambre y la empanada estaba deliciosa, me disfruté mucho ese momento de verdad, y di muchas gracias a mis HBD por siempre salvarme la vida cuando más lo necesito.
They gave me my empanada with guasacaca and my juice, I sat down to have breakfast alone and God, I really saw the sky, I was very hungry and the empanada was delicious, I really enjoyed that moment, and I thanked my HBD very much for always saving me life when I need it most.
Muy recomendado este aliado comercial Crab Bay Market, allí conseguimos gran variedad de cosas y lo mejor es que podemos cancelar con nuestros HBD. Una experiencia gratificante la que viví luego de pasar tanto rato con hambre😅
Gracias por leerme y espero les guste mi experiencia, bendiciones amigos.
Highly recommended is this commercial ally Crab Bay Market, there we get a wide variety of things and the best thing is that we can cancel with our HBD. A rewarding experience that I had after spending so much time hungry😅
Thank you for reading me and I hope you like my experience, blessings friends.
Todas las fotos fueron capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.