A meal with friends

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago

↑I got these two items at a yard sale yesterday, for $8 total↓

I used the food processor today to help prepare salad makings

There are Cucumbers on the right, onions on the left, bell pepper in the middle, the only thing I didn't grow were the onions.

↑Romaine Lettuce↑
I cooked Spaghetti Squash in the air fryer out in the garage

Here is the aftermath of that ha ha ha

One of my guests today has some allergy to Tomatoes, poor thing. So I used bottled "Alfredo Sauce" with some added permasan and Gruyere

So I did my best to make a good dish, and I believe I succeeded in great measure.

I did have tomatoes for the other two of us that don't have that sensitivity.
Then... the meat
Cleaning out my freezer, I had this rib eye and what I THOUGHT were two porkchops.
It was ONE chop, a very thick one

Cooking that thick cut was problematic, but I managed to "git 'er done"

Those little taters were cooked in the bottom pan of the air fryer at the same time as the Spaghetti Squash.
A whole cluster of raw garlic cloves as well

Well folks, it was a good meal with wine and friends, good food, good conversation.
After a far to short time, I was about to fall into a food coma, and so I had to call the afternoon to a halt.
I think they were ready to go anyway; Ms Mary lives next lot over to my West, Lori is our new neighbor who lives across the street, so the ladies walked home with ease.

"A Sunday meal with friends"

Jerry E Smith
All images were taken this afternoon
With my cellphone.

Jerry's road crop.jpg


this showed how convenient an air fryer is. sadly i do not own one.
glad you had a great time over there

There’s nothing better than a good meal with great friends, and I think the plan is set!

I always love meal prep especially when it includes lots of veggies for fiber. It looks like your meal is very well balanced.

Thank you @isdarmady I grow a lot of veggies, tho right now my garden is only producing tomatoes and peppers. This year I had quite a lot of Butternut Squash, Cucumbers and early on, I had great success with my first time growing CABBAGES ha ha.
I'm gonna try some winter veggies this year, if I can keep up with it all

In modern times, modern things have come up which have made our life easier.

You really go out of your way to state the obvious don't you @djbravo?