I Found Bamboo Shoots and Made Japanese Mixed Rice たけのこを見つけたので混ぜご飯を作る [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hivelast month


I Found Bamboo Shoots and Made Japanese Mixed Rice

I think many people have experienced difficulty finding the exact ingredients for specific meals when living in different countries, even when there are international food stores nearby. The price of international food is often expensive, and it's not always easy to find specific brands.

The other day, I went grocery shopping at my usual local store. I'd never noticed that they had some international sections on the shelves. Since this store doesn't carry many specific international foods, I have to carefully check the shelves. When I'm in a rush, I don't have time to inspect products thoroughly. On this day, I had enough time to explore the store, and there weren't many customers since it was just before closing time. The atmosphere was calm and quiet.

My husband has excellent eyesight. He spotted bamboo shoots on the top shelf. I usually don't buy canned food because I prefer fresh vegetables. However, I don't mind buying rare foods like these.


Japanese Mixed Rice: Takikomi Gohan

As soon as I bought the canned bamboo shoots, I decided to cook Japanese mixed rice, called Takikomi Gohan (炊き込みご飯). I used a rice cooker, so it was very easy to make!


Bamboo shoots 1 can
Bacon 4-5 slices
Sake 1 tablespoon
Mirin 1 tablespoon
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Hondashi 2 teaspoons
Water (for two scoops of rice, I pour up to water level 1)
Seaweed for topping
Butter to taste

The cooking time is about 30 minutes, including the preparation time. You can also add mushrooms and carrots if you like. After cooking, add butter and mix it. The flavor of butter combined with the soy sauce rice crust (okoge おこげ) is so tasty.


Foil Grilled: Hoil Yaki

I also enjoy cooking foil-grilled food called Hoil Yaki (ホイル焼き). It's so easy to make because it only takes 10-15 minutes to boil after preparation. This time, I cooked haddock, shrimp, carrots, beans, leeks, and cheese.


This is also a standard miso soup using tofu and leeks. I love eating tofu, but unfortunately, I have to limit my intake due to a health condition. I only scoop a few pieces when I have tofu miso soup.

I really enjoyed eating a combination of Takikomi Gohan, Hoil Yaki, and miso soup!

Japanese 日本語









たけのこの缶 1
ベーコン 4−5枚
酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
しょうゆ 大さじ2
塩 少々
ほんだし 小さじ2
水 (2合の場合はメモリ1まで水を注いでいます)
のり トッピング
バター 少々








Thank you for reading!



My hubby love bamboo shots so much your rice looks so rich 😋😋

Oh, is that so? It's nice to hear that someone likes bamboo shoots like your husband does! This Japanese mixed rice is so simple but tasty. :) I really like the texture of bamboo shoots.

Ehh, bamboo shoots in a can 🤔, thats really cool. I never encounter that one yet, vut good for you, you found one in a store and even use it as an ingredients. And this one looks really good, that Takikomi Gohan. Wish I could try that, I'm curious how good it is 🤤✨

Thank you! I used to get fresh bamboo shoots from a Japanese supermarket in Japan, but I can only find canned bamboo shoots here in Canada. However, it's good to see some familiar ingredients like this! Takikomi Gohan is super easy because the rice cooker does all the work for me!