My Breakfast
Do you eat breakfast? If so, what do you have for breakfast? I eat breakfast every day. I don't think I can move without eating anything. I used to have bread, black tea, or milk tea with caffeine mostly for breakfast when I was a student. Then, I switched to rice, miso soup, and fish, mostly because I prepared bento for lunch, so I had leftover bento dishes for the morning. When I skipped breakfast, I became very sick. And now, I mostly have yogurt, fruit, a little bit of granola, and decaf coffee. I still sometimes eat rice and soup for breakfast.
Since I stopped eating bread for breakfast, my body condition has improved a little bit. If I have bread in the morning, I usually become very hungry and sick just before lunchtime. Additionally, I feel dizzy and faint, which is mainly connected to my preexisting medical condition. If I don't eat bread, these symptoms lessen.
Also, I try to eat rice for lunch as much as I can. Sometimes, I crave bread for lunch. I really want to eat cakes made with flour and sugar, but I need to be careful not to consume too much flour because my fatigue condition will worsen in the afternoon.
I wish I could eat any kind of food as much as I want, but I know it's not good... Furthermore, since I cut caffeine from my daily life, my anxiety issues have also calmed down.
These are colourful cereal boxes. I don't eat them, but the boxes look very nice and surely attract children. However, they never fill my tummy as breakfast. I prefer rice or yogurt with fruit instead.
These are my husband's bread. They smell nice and look delicious.
These are my daily breakfasts. I don't have an allergy to these fruits, luckily, so I often select a variety of fruits for my yogurt.
Japanese 日本語
Thank you for reading!