I once said that I prefer drinking hot coffee compared to iced coffee. Even on a hot day, I will order hot coffee instead of iced coffee.
But some things don't last forever. So are our habits, or choices of drinks and food. Sometimes we always order the same menu, in the same place, even at the same table. But there are times when we don't want everything to be the same because of boredom.
The thing I'm talking about is related to The Coffee Shop Prompt this week About Caffeinated Drink that has never been ordered before.
So, this time I ordered Iced Coffee Mocca as known as Moccachino. Again, I went to the same cafe to work online because of comfort and fast Wifi.
Usually, I always order Hot Brown Sugar Coffee, or Hot Cappuccino or Green Tea variation. But this time I was feeling like trying something else. I felt bored, and I explored other menus.
I wanted to drink Iced Coffee. Looking at the menu, I was actually interested in Iced Coffee Mocha. Funnily enough, all my life, I don't like chocolate. Maybe because I used to think chocolate was always about sweet things and I don't like sweet things.
In fact, this time I wanted to try. A combination of coffee and chocolate. So, I decided to try this menu for the first time in my life 🤣
So, how about my first impression? Hmmm, unfortunatelly, just to much sweet! 😭
I thought this was weird, the taste of coffee mixed with the taste of chocolate. Maybe this would be suitable for chocolate lovers and coffee lovers at the same time and didn't want to choose one.
Well, sorry, but I can't accept this menu, even though in the end I can finish this while accompanying my work time.
But, if next time, just thank you! Oh no, I think all this time my old choices have been good and my loyalty is not wrong 🤣 Brown Sugar Coffee, Cappuccino, or Green Tea Drink. 🥰❤️
To accompany me to work, I chose grilled bananas snacks! The coffee drink menu that I ordered earlier was not my taste. But this snack menu is sooo good! So, it's like a balance menu here and makes me comfortable here.
Have you ever tried grilled bananas? Even though I asked the waiter not to use chocolate, it turned out they gave my banana chocolate ehehe. So, I left the chocolate topping on the edge of the plate.
Overall, these grilled bananas are like comfort food because when I was a child I often ate these bananas even for breakfast, with also sweet potatoes.
So, this is about my day trying something new, a caffeinated drink that I have never ordered before. And when I tried it, I just saved this menu for this time. Not for the next time.
Do you like Iced Coffee Mocha or Mochacino? Whatever our choice, it doesn't matter and we also have the right to try something new. Have a great coffee!
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009
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