Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is important for children's health because they provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Good nutrition can help children to grow and develop more efficiently. Every parents alwsys wants their kids to eat all the nutrient foods for overall growth. And it goes at my childhood days too. I was / am a foodie since childhood. Love to eat, whatever being served, but one things that always dislike is eating lady finger. Even today I do not eat that vegetable.
(fried okra at home)
Lady's fingers is an alternative name for the vegetable okra. I was grown up with the old name untill, I figured out the original name Okra. This sounds much better than lady finger. The term was originally used in the United States to describe a particular variety of "okra", but has since come to refer to the vegetable more generally. I am pretty sure, most of the Indian kids grown up calling okra as "lady finger*". This might be one of the reason that, I hate this vegetable. But still my parents alwsys insisted to eat it. It grows in my backyard and often cooked at home in afternoon meals or at night.
My Parents alwsys encourage me to eat bhindi (hindi name of okra), because it is a good source of fiber and water, which can help with digestion and prevent constipation. Fiber also helps clean the intestines and reduce the risk of stomach pain. Also this vegetablenis abduntaly available in te markets. I remeber we never had to buy as it was grown n our backyard.
The exception to avoid okra is not only limited to me. People often dislike okra because of its slimy texture when overcooked, which can be unappealing to many, especially when the pods are not prepared properly. Its slightly "grassy" flavor, and sometimes tough fibrous texture, particularly if the okra pods are too large, and the fact that it can be challenging to cook consistently without becoming overly slimy.
There is no particular reason of avoiding okra, but it comes naturally to me. I tried to avoid as much as possible. But now seems I have a reason to support my dislike. Recently, I learned that, eating too much okra can lead to kidney and gallbladder stones because of its oxalates. People with kidney problems should avoid eating okra. In my opinion, it is better to be safe than taking any risk with our body. Better to stay away from Okra.
This is my contribution to @galenkp topics for Weekend Engagement - Week 232.
Namaste @steemflow
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