If you're ready, put on your apron and go to the sink area. Because the truth is, the sight of that makes my head hurt.

And don't get your hopes up; it's not like we're going to make a Masterchef menu here.
I'm going to show you
the difference
between Tostones and Chicharritas.
And of course, after cooking, we'll eat.
Oh, how I love to eat
...while watching a movie.
Hive readers, my friends, if you have any recommendations of films you've seen recently, let me know.
But help me with the washing up, please.
This meal is made with two large tomatoes, a cup of minced meat (the picadillo of a lifetime), some tomato puree, a few olives...
(no, don't ask me for measurements, I don't understand or know anything about this)
...a little bit of cumin, about 10 cloves of thin garlic, the thinner the better, and two green bananas of the kind they call "burros" (donkeys).
Salt to taste, two spoonfuls of oil and a pan with enough oil for frying. If the food is salty, it's not my fault, they say that when this happens you're in love.
Do we have everything? It seems we do.
I bought the tomatoes and bananas on the day of the Wednesday walk.
Let's see:
The first thing we are going to do is to make the minced meat. This is very easy: put two spoonfuls of oil in the pot, fry it with a little garlic and cumin, add the picadillo with a few pieces of tomato and some olives that I chopped into slices and leave it there for a while to cook.
... add the juice from the olives too. 😂
The smell will warn you... try not to let it smell burnt.
With the other tomato you make a salad.
Put the oil on the cooker while you peel the bananas. Cut one of them into large pieces and the other into fine pieces.
I'm going to tell you a secret... for the Tostones to be good, you have to put them in the oil without heating, and take them out before they are completely cooked. Like this:
These must be crushed and then fried again.
While that's being done we gossip a bit by peeling these sad garlics, believe me it de-stresses. In the masterchefs I always see big cloves of garlic, I don't know what's going on here that they don't grow. 🤣
Already here you can see that I have the thin slices of banana cut for the Chicharritas, but those are made later in the hot oil. After the Tostones are ready.
That's exactly what garlic is for ;)
Do you smell burnt?
Well, you can check the minced meat (remember, the picadillo) and we'll proceed to organise things a bit... or plate them to be more professional.
But this work of art you'll see below is a little bit of rice that I put to make in case you're hungrier. Although I have enough with the tostones, the chicharritas, the picadillo and the tomato salad.
So, finally, which film will we watch... I'm going to get the coffee pot ready to brew that nice beverage after dinner.
Truly... this was my lunch. But you're invited for the next one, of course, if you collaborate with the area I told you about. 😅😉
Cover image created by me at https://sketch.io/
(I would like to learn how to draw)
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