Come, cook with me

in Creative Cuisinelast year (edited)

If you're ready, put on your apron and go to the sink area. Because the truth is, the sight of that makes my head hurt.

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And don't get your hopes up; it's not like we're going to make a Masterchef menu here.

I'm going to show you
the difference
between Tostones and Chicharritas.
And of course, after cooking, we'll eat.
Oh, how I love to eat
...while watching a movie.

Hive readers, my friends, if you have any recommendations of films you've seen recently, let me know.

But help me with the washing up, please. 

This meal is made with two large tomatoes, a cup of minced meat (the picadillo of a lifetime), some tomato puree, a few olives...

(no, don't ask me for measurements, I don't understand or know anything about this)

...a little bit of cumin, about 10 cloves of thin garlic, the thinner the better, and two green bananas of the kind they call "burros" (donkeys).
Salt to taste, two spoonfuls of oil and a pan with enough oil for frying. If the food is salty, it's not my fault, they say that when this happens you're in love.

Do we have everything? It seems we do.

I bought the tomatoes and bananas on the day of the Wednesday walk.

Let's see:

The first thing we are going to do is to make the minced meat. This is very easy: put two spoonfuls of oil in the pot, fry it with a little garlic and cumin, add the picadillo with a few pieces of tomato and some olives that I chopped into slices and leave it there for a while to cook.

... add the juice from the olives too. 😂

The smell will warn you... try not to let it smell burnt.

With the other tomato you make a salad.

Put the oil on the cooker while you peel the bananas. Cut one of them into large pieces and the other into fine pieces.

I'm going to tell you a secret... for the Tostones to be good, you have to put them in the oil without heating, and take them out before they are completely cooked. Like this:


These must be crushed and then fried again.

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While that's being done we gossip a bit by peeling these sad garlics, believe me it de-stresses. In the masterchefs I always see big cloves of garlic, I don't know what's going on here that they don't grow. 🤣


Already here you can see that I have the thin slices of banana cut for the Chicharritas, but those are made later in the hot oil. After the Tostones are ready.


That's exactly what garlic is for ;)

Do you smell burnt?



Well, you can check the minced meat (remember, the picadillo) and we'll proceed to organise things a bit... or plate them to be more professional.

But this work of art you'll see below is a little bit of rice that I put to make in case you're hungrier. Although I have enough with the tostones, the chicharritas, the picadillo and the tomato salad.


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So, finally, which film will we watch... I'm going to get the coffee pot ready to brew that nice beverage after dinner.

Truly... this was my lunch. But you're invited for the next one, of course, if you collaborate with the area I told you about. 😅😉

Drawing.sketchpadTe atreves.jpeg

Cover image created by me at
(I would like to learn how to draw)

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Que tiempo sin pasar por acá amiga. Un placer volver a leerte después de un tiempo.

Me encantó la manera creativa que usaste para describir los pasos de la receta. Me parece muy novedosa. En diferencia con otras recetas que he leído en internet que se hacen monótonas, la tuya es interesante,con humor a lo cubano y sobre todo sabrosa.😋

Gracias por compartir con nosotros. Un placer leer tu publicación. Saludos cordiales y que tengas una bonita noche.

Hola, feliz que me haces con tu visita. Un abrazo enorme y disfrutemos de estos tostones y chicharritas con mucha cubanía y luego, ya sabes, el café.


Que lástima que no pude quedarme para la comida. Pero en otro de mis viajes tienes que hacer tostones y chicharritas para mí. Un beso hija.

Pues sí, qué lástima que no pudiste quedarte. Pero ven pronto que además de eso te tendré una gran sorpresa, que ni te imaginas. 😁


Creative Cuisine (3).gif

You have been curated by @edwing357 and the Creative Cuisine project.

All delegations are welcome, join our curation train and be part of the flavor @creativecuisine

🤗 Thank you, friend!


I love tostones with garlic.

Wow!!! I loved your recipe...each ingredient with its measure, the exact cooking time, the temperature of the oil ...what professionalism. Haute cuisine without a doubt 🤭🤣.

The truth is that it looks delicious!!! 😋.

You guys ate early!!!

Nada más te voy a mirar 👀


Literally speaking, this is an ellipsis.

... But the omission is superlative!

You went too far with the ellipsis....a little bit more and there is no recipe 😂.

Ahhhhh no...sorry, that's creative cooking 🤣🤣🤣.

That's easy Amanda, even Eddy can do it. Does he know how to cook? 🙂

He...a real expert, but he's not quite up to your level 🤪.


Tú y tus ocurrencias! Jamás había leído una receta con tanto entusiasmo y tantas sonrisas. El único problema es que todavía no he comido y ahora tengo ganas de comer tostones y ya no me da tiempo! Te juro que hubo un momento mientras leía que creí olfatear unos tostoncitos, pero nop, mi mamá desmintió el FakeNews.


Visualiza que mañana estarán en tu mesa 🤣

Jajaja, voy a visualizarlos, pero rellenos con camarones!

Entretenida manera de dar la receta 👏🏻
¡Aquí también hacemos tostones! Pero "chicharritas" primera vez que lo escucho jaja...
Sobre películas, ando con algunas viejas, la que ví hace unos días: El último de los mohicanos.

😅Pues ya sabes cómo hacer chicharritas... oh, buena película esa! Gracias.


Hi @nanixxx xis welcome, tostones are always good, here in Venezuela they are made in different ways, some are very thin and others are much thicker, depending on the region.

The art of cooking is a beautiful thing, we always like to see other cultures and add recipes to the great book. 👨‍🍳

In fact, I have to share a recipe that I have been asked a lot hahaha, from the region of Zulia with green bananas.

Make sure that the tostones are not burned 🫣

I'll wait for that recipe then. You are the master of creative cuisine, I'm just "una infladora" hahahaha.


😅😅 me has hecho reír con tu receta, que ocurrencias tienes 😂 nunca he comido los tostones con ajo🙃🤣 aprendí algo con esta receta tuya. Menos mal que hiciste arroz porque si no, sería una comida incompleta para mí 😄. Buen provecho 😋😋

Ah, yo sabía 😂. Arroz con picadillo, ensalada de tomate y tostones y chicharritas... Eso es una comida sabrosa, ¿verdad?

Pues me cuenta cuando los haga, cómo saben con ajo.


Sí🤣 una sabrosura casi diaria. Pues sí, probaré los tostones con ajo, deben ser sabrosos, seguiré tu recomendación de ajos pequeñitos y finitos🤣🤣🤣

Conozco personas que comen un diente de ajo diario porque es bueno para la salud. 😂

Muy cierto! El ajo tiene muchas propiedades y es el mejor condimento, a mí no me puede faltar en ninguna comida.

Ya estoy imaginando una fuente de chicharritas y tostones, el café y un proyector a toda pared para ver Nyad !!!...
Si no la has visto corre a buscarla, pon un pañuelo cerca para la moquera al final, imposible aguantarse de tanta emoción... Te la recomiendo !!!

Amo los tostones; deberían venderse como galleticas en todas las esquinas.

Acabo de descubrir esta comunidad gracias a ti, voy a ver las reglas, adoro cocinar pero detesto las recetas. Con eso te digo cuánto disfruté la lectura !!!🙏👏👏👏

Nyad, anotada. La buscaré cuanto antes porque confío en tu buen gusto 😉.
Es verdad lo que dices, con tanto plátano, deberían venderse los tostones y las chicharritas en cada esquina.

Qué placer ser de alguna utilidad, Sari. Un abrazo inmenso. 😘


Vaya vaya! Entre tostones y chicharritas me encuentro… aquí en mi país esta fruta es el acompañante predilecto de casi todas las comidas. Cada creador va acompañado de su magia hoy tu peculiar forma de narrar hace deleite estos tostones y tostoncitos que gorditos o flaquitos son exquisitos!

Mi agüitaaaa... ¡Qué alegría! La vida hay que disfrutarla y reír siempre que se pueda.

Te mando un beso. 🙂💫👋🏻

Estos tostones los puedes disfrutar viendo las siguientes películas : una llamada Imperdonable Con Sandra Bullock o el inicio y final del cómic Samuray X!
Te mando otro beso Nanisima ♥️

Estoy armando la lista. Ya me verás haciendo reviews 🤣😅👏🏻🥂

I have never heard of Tostones but it's looking appealing. It's calling my stomach to eat them. I guess these would be good for immune system as this include garlic. Garlic peeling is de-stressing(I agree).

If there are bananas there in Pakistan, you can try to make some tostones and tell me about it later. ;) Best regards Taha.

By the way when you are visiting Pakistan?

When one day my economy allows me to travel... and other things, we Cubans don't have it very easy in that sense.
Among my dreams is to travel and take photos all over the world. I have faith that one day I will be able to achieve it.


😂 Me encantó la receta, disfruté de cada instante de una receta tan alegre, me gustó menos que no quedara nada para los demás 😂. Un abrazo


No soy buena en esto de las medidas, cocinar para un batallón de gente no se me da bien. Pero ya ves que al menos para dos, sí. 😅

Abrazo de vuelta.

Visto lo visto, trataré de hacer las recetas en casa, ya te contaré 🤗

😅 qué bueno jajaja, me gustará saber.

This is the best vague recipe I've ever read! And I think your garlic are skinny and lean because they run five miles every day.

I've never been good at this cooking thing, but sometimes guests celebrate the taste. I just keep it simple. Hahahaha... but no measurements.

It all looks delicious! I've never tried it, but I would, it looks great!😍

Up you go, Miss Eye, make yourself some tostones!


If you're ready, put on your apron and go to the sink area. Because the truth is, the sight of that makes my head hurt.

I thought I had to do the washing up 😬

But help me with the washing up, please.

Oh no!! I do. I'm off. Bye bye!! I'll come back for dinner when you've done the washing up



... (This guest doesn't play around with half-measures)

For tonight we have whipped peas, sautéed chicken and tomato salad with olives.
All dishes are clean at the moment. 😉

Be right over. What's for dessert?

Pumpkin flan

Save me two portions please

😂 Hahahaha... wow, this guest is demanding too. But this house is all about pleasing everyone! 🤣

And a mug of hot chocolate as well please, one sugar, two inches of whipped cream and some chocolate shavings on top. And if you have any, some mint chocolates to finish off my meal would be nice. Thank you



Probably tastes better than cheese and coffee combo, which I did not enjoy untitled.gif


Hahaha... did you try it? hahahaha....

The tostones then you will like them for sure.

a man of my word, which sometimes I regret lol

Yay! 🤗
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@amambay, estoy agradecida por tu apoyo y me siento feliz también por contar con tu amistad y tu cariño.

Thanks to @ecency as well.

El agradecimiento es mutuo y tu originalidad debe ser premiada, ojalá pudiera aportar mucho más


If it's salty, it's because you're in love.

That explains a lot of things, my food is never salty, therefore, my heart is colder than an iceberg haha ok ok no 😂

A very tasty recipe accompanied by a very funny and original way of presenting the recipe as only Nanixxx knows how to do ❤️✨

Well, if the food is salty because of being in love, you have two options, you eat it like that and then drink a lot of water or you don't eat it and stay hungry... neither of the two is so funny hahahaha... besides, it is said that those who have the heart of an iceberg suffer less.

Están invitados a probar mis tostones y chicharritas 😉