The prices of foodstuff and groceries in recent times have been on the high side. It will be wasteful if eventually one gets these foodstuff or groceries and they get spoilt on time . With this post I'll be taking a little dive at the Vegetables vendor's secret tips for storing ingredients.
Bananas for example easily spoil when bought in excess . To preserve them , first of all rinse the ripening agent with water then dry them with a paper towel. After doing this , wrap the banana stems with a damp paper towel . What this does is to reduce the ethylene released by bananas. This way they can last for half a month without spoiling.
Tomatoes I'm sure you know easily rots . To prevent this , stick a tape on the bottom of the tomatoes. This helps to lock in moisture keeping them fresh for three weeks.
What to do with easily spoiled strawberries ? Just add vinegar to water and soak the strawberries in it. This no doubt keeps them fresh whenever you want to eat them.
Unfinished watermelon surfaces easily breeds bacteria. To avoid this, place two cloves of garlic on it and wrap it with plastic wrap (nylon) then you can now store in the fridge to keep for a week.
By implementing these straightforward strategies, you can save money and enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables without the worry of spoilage. Happy storing!