Jueves en #amazingdrinks hoy preparamos una exquisita Piña Alegre Rosada
Piña Alegre Rosada así es amigos una deliciosa bebida como base esta rica fruta tropical con un boom de alcohol para hacerle más divertida ya que hoy es viernes choquito jeje
Thursday at #amazingdrinks today we prepare an exquisite Happy Pink Pineapple
Cheerful Pink Pineapple, this is it friends, a delicious drink as a base for this delicious tropical fruit with a boom of alcohol to make it more fun since today is choquito Friday hehe
Ingredientes para preparar esta Bebida:
🍍 1 Piña
💗 8 Ciruelas
🤍 1 cucharada de Leche condensada
💗 80 gramos de Licor (Anís)
Ingredients to prepare this drink:
🍍 1 Pineapple
💗 8 Plums
🤍 1 tablespoon condensed milk
💗 80 grams of Liqueur (Anise)

- 1ero 🍍
Lavar la piña, cortar la parte superior para que nos quede la mitad de ella, con una cuchara vamos a extraer la pulpa y la reservamos en un tazón.
- 1st 🍍
Wash the pineapple, cut the top so that we have half of it, with a spoon we are going to extract the pulp and reserve it in a bowl.
- 2do 💗
Lavar las ciruelas cortarlas para retirar la semilla , cortando la pulpa para unir en el batido y darle color al mismo.
- 2nd 💗
Wash the plums, cut them to remove the seed, cutting the pulp to add it to the smoothie and give it color.
- 3ero 💗
Medir en un vaso el licor que vamos agregar a esta deliciosa bebida amigos.
- 3rd 💗
Measure the liquor that we are going to add to this delicious drink in a glass, friends.
- 4to 🍍 -💗- 🍍
En la licuadora colocar todos los ingredientes la pulpa de la piña, las ciruelas, la leche condensada y el licor, llevar a procesar por 3 minutos amigos.
4th 🍍 -💗- 🍍
In the blender place all the ingredients, the pineapple pulp, the plums, the condensed milk and the liquor, process for 3 minutes friends.

Espero les agrade a ustedes amigos.
🍍 -💗- 🍍
I love pina colado but I made my version with the ingredients I had at home and I was fascinated with the final result, its flavor fascinated me, it is refreshingly delicious and my drink looks beautiful.
I hope you friends like it.
The photos were taken by me to present at @AmazingDrinks.
Saludos nos vemos pronto en otra preparacion de deliciosos bebidas amigos.
Greetings, see you soon in another preparation of delicious drinks, friends.
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Gracias a todos por el apoyo y acompañarme.🍍 -💗- 🍍
Thank you all for your support and joining me. 🍍 -💗- 🍍