Despite what you might think by flipping through my blog, @mrsbozz and I really don't go out to eat that much. Yes, there are some weeks where we might eat out once or twice, but then we might also go for a month before we eat out again. If I had to average it out, I'd say that we probably eat out about once a week.
While sometimes our culinary excursions lead to photos like the one above, most other times we find ourselves getting something simple like Fajitas that we can share. In fact, a single serving of chicken fajitas from our favorite Mexican restaurant can feed the both of us for not one, but two meals.
I always have to laugh when people talk about how excessive the food is in America. Yes, we do have some pretty big portions, it's relatively easy to find alternatives or ways to avoid overindulging though. Like I said above, many times my wife and I will share a single entree. Other times, we simply only eat half of our meal and then we save the other half for leftovers at another meal. It's a pretty simple process.
I would also argue, that given the amount of butter and heavy cream that goes into many French and Italian dishes, or the amount of oil that goes into Asian dishes, when you break down the nutritional information, there really isn't that much difference.

A short time ago, @mrsbozz and I met her best friend for lunch at a local spot we visit maybe a couple of times a year. Her friend got the smothered smoked sausage that you see in the opening photo, and my wife got the chicken quesadilla that you see above.

I on the other hand was hungry for a burger, so I decided on this build your own burger option that you see here. It was actually quite good, but like most burgers these days, I found myself discarding most of the top bun. Which actually blows me away because back in the day I used to be able to eat several burgers bun and all in one sitting.
Of course, my current weight would imply I am now paying for it, but who knows. I actually eat much healthier in the past 15 years than I probably ever have in my life. You would think eventually I would start to lose some of that extra weight, but metabolism is a vicious beast.

If I had to guess, the thing that probably put us over the top with this meal were the fried cheese sticks that you see above. Whereas most places use frozen mozzarella sticks that they buy in bulk, this place hand breads their own with a beer batter and they come out absolutely amazing.
They might be horrible for you, but man are they delicious. I'd gladly not worry about my metabolism for a day to enjoy these beauties a couple of times a year. I've actually been dreaming about them ever since the last time we visited. There is a good chance we will be back to this place sometime before the beginning of the new year.

Back on Father's Day this past year, I grilled a turkey breast for a few of my inlaws. They enjoyed it so much that they insisted I needed to smoke one for each of them at some point in the future. Fast forward a few weeks and @mrsbozz picked up a couple of them from the store. These are just marinated boneless turkey breasts that you can buy for like $15 or so in the frozen food section.
I threw them on the charcoal grill for about an hour and a half to two hours and presto, they were finished. We kept one for ourselves and gave one to my father in law and the other one to my brother in law. I have a feeling this won't be the last time I need to grill one of these for them.
If you have never tried this before, the flavor is absolutely amazing and I think it stands up to anything you could get at a local restaurant (unless maybe you live down south), and it is probably a lot healthier for you.

Lately, @mrsbozz has been on a kick where she is using this "two ingredient dough" for homemade pizza. It's basically just flour and greek yogurt in equal parts and then you add a dash of baking soda and baking powder as well as some herbs and seasoning to taste.
It's a pain to work with as it remains sticky no matter how much you flour it, but the flavor is decent and while it doesn't rise like traditional yeast pizza dough, it does the trick. We have been going this route on Friday nights for a while now and I honestly can't remember the last time we ordered out for pizza.
Obviously, my addition of cured meats like ham and pepperoni make my pie a little less healthy than my wife's all veggie masterpiece, but it makes me feel better knowing I am not eating all of those carbs.
I've said this before, but I think if @mrsbozz were able to eat fish and lamb, we could probably pretty easily transition to a Mediterranean diet. Many of the dishes we currently eat are very similar to some of those offerings with the exception of the fish and lamb. It's pretty rare these days that I eat beef where I used to have red meat several times a week in my youth.
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