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RE: Types of expats in Vietnam: The teachers


There is a new show out now called "Expats" that focuses on a group of expats in Japan I think. I think it is just a drama, but it could be interesting.

"On the rare occasion that I do see the people that work here they seem exhausted and of course have plenty of complaints about how there are so many ever-changing rules as far as the administration is concerned."

At least they don't need to worry about getting shot up everyday when they come to work though right?

Actually, those lower level teachers you were talking about are getting more common here too. There is such a huge shortage that pretty much anyone with a degree (any degree) can go into a classroom now and get put into a fast track program to get their certificate. It's kind of scary.


I've been watching Expats. It's based in Hong Kong and is about a very different type of expat than I am. They are ultra-rich in that show. It's worth seeing if you have a chance to watch it.

I've never heard of anyone getting shot anywhere in this country outside of the wars of course.

Okay, my wife was asking about the show and at the time I wasn't sure what it was about. I guess I was quite a bit off by saying it was in Japan! I'll definitely add it to our list.