There are times when I can no longer comprehend how things are being priced these days. It’s as if that people are randomly picking numbers that they will put on their price tags.
I went to the local 711 store the other day and noticed the drinks that are displayed near the entrance. At the center if the displayed items are soft drinks and sugary tea drinks that are priced at $1. The usual price for these sugary drinks is $2.90 which means I will be able to save 68% if I’ll buy it.
While surrounding it are plain water that are priced at $2.10 to $3.60 which is ridiculous. Nowadays, purified, and distilled waters are becoming outrageous with the way it’s packaged and being priced. It has become so precious that the stores are forcing us the option to buy sugary drinks.
I suspect that people have become aware that sugary drinks are not good for one’s health. We are becoming conscious about the food or drinks that we put in our bodies. As we become aware of the impact of sugary drinks on our health, we become wiser with the choices that we make.
In my case, I’m making a conscious decision every time I go to a grocery or convenience store to avoid fatty and sugary foods and drinks. I will simply take the option to choose the ones with less sugar or 0% sugar if possible. This is the kind of decision-making that worries the manufacturer of sugary drinks. That’s probably the reason why the pricing of these sugary drinks will occasionally drop drastically to sell them out.