My Instacart Financial Report - Week 54

in LeoFinancelast year


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My 54th Instacart paycheck 💸 🛒

I just had one of my Top 5 worst weeks of Instacart. I say this purely from an earnings perspective. I took a total of 3 orders all week long. That's with my having. the app online nearly every day of the week. I kept thinking it would get better, but it never did outside of getting one of my best orders of all time.


Monday, January 29th

Tuesday, January 30th

Wednesday, January 31st

Thursday, February 1st

No work the first four days of the week.

Friday, February 2nd


As you can see, this week has been dreadfully slow. It seemed as if Friday was going to be another $0 day, but then all of a sudden I was blessed with my best customer. I hadn't shopped for them in over a month, but I shopped for them previously a handful of times prior. This person always tips miles better than anybody else in this city.

I made about $143.86/hr on this day.

As you can see from my hourly rate, I was rewarded handsomely for my efforts. This customer orders over 60 items and lives on the 17th floor of an apartment building, but the way they tip me makes me feel like I'm barely doing any work at all.

This one order renewed my confidence in the week and I have faith that Saturday and Sunday will allow me to reach my weekly earnings goal.

Saturday, February 3rd


Yet another dreadful day of Instacart. I waited online from 9 am until 5:30 pm and only got one small order worth doing. This has been the slowest week of Instacart since I started doing it. I don't understand how January can be one of my best months in a long time and now February is seemingly my worst.

I made about $41.11/hr on this day.

Fingers crossed Sunday lands me some earnings.

Sunday, February 4th


Sunday was another ghost town on the old Instacart shopper app. I remained online pretty much all day and was only rewarded with one solid order.

I made about $60.37/hr on this day.

This lady lives pretty close to the store and always tips me very well since I take the time to sit her items inside her kitchen for her. She's the only person that kept me from having a $0 Sunday.

End of week hours and pay 🤑


My weekly pay was $210 and I barely worked over 2 hours.

I made about $95.82/hr on average this past week.

Doing it again next week 👀


Despite having my best hourly rate of any week, I had so few hours that I was unable to reach my weekly earnings goal. It was a terrible week in terms of overall earnings. The only thing I can do is move on to the next week and trust that things will magically turn around like they always seem to. Instacart is good at dangling the carrot.


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I hope you have enjoyed this insider look at what kind of pay is possible while working for Instacart.


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Discord: daltonohive


Yupp terrible incident

get that carrot! :)

up and down week, but yea.. just keep going..


There's a lot of joy when you get a $50 tip.