My Instacart Financial Report - Week 60

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)


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My 60th Instacart paycheck 💸 🛒

This was a pretty basic week. There were no crazy orders. Heck, I didn't have many orders to do at all. I managed to earn a few hundred dollars, but I was hoping for more. Let us discuss.


Monday, March 11th

Tuesday, March 12th

No work. I was out of town helping my brother move into his new apartment.

Wednesday, March 13th


My first day back to work since the previous Thursday. I was happy to get several worthwhile orders on Wednesday. Not only that, but it was a gorgeous 70° day outside.

I made about $57.61/hr on this day.

My second customer of the day was new to me. I had never delivered to this woman before. She was an amazing tipper and lived very close to the store. I hope now that we had a good experience with each other, I will start to get her more often. She was thrilled that I offered to carry all of her items inside for her. She had a lot of heavy stuff, so I know it helped out a lot.

Thursday, March 14th


Thursday didn't offer me much in terms of total hours worked, but I did snag multiple highly productive orders. By that I mean my hourly rate was quite nice. It's great to barely have to work over an hour and still almost hit my daily goal of $100.

I made about $62.47/hr on this day.

I was hoping that the last order of the day wouldn't end up being the final one. Sadly, nothing else worthwhile came up after that one. At least he left me a massive tip and overall it was a solid day of earnings.

Friday, March 15th


The way Friday started off, I thought I was going to have a great day. Two orders before 10 am. Sadly, the Instacart app dried up after that. I only got one more order later in the day.

I made about $58.72/hr on this day.

I was hoping that I'd get lucky and get my $150 customer like I have a lot of Fridays recently. That wasn't the case though. I usually get them from 10 am-1 pm. I avoided all other orders during that time just in case. It was a gamble that did not pay off. It still was a decent day overall though.

Saturday, March 16th


I have no idea what on earth happened Saturday. I was online from 9 am onwards and there were zero good orders all day long. I finally accepted my only only order of the day in the early evening. I took it because I needed to run to the store to grab something to cook for dinner myself. That and the customer lived right by my apartment. It was convenient and better than a $0 day.

I made about $54.21/hr on this day.

Maybe Sunday will be super busy out of nowhere. Let's continue on to find out.

Sunday, March 17th


Sunday was another slow day. I had two orders in the morning and that ended up being it.

I made about $48.64/hr on this day.

Something interesting happened. The first order of the day was a massive order with loads of organic fruits and vegetables, heavy drinks, etc. The order total was nearly $300. When I got to the customer's house, they lived in a mansion in one of the nicest neighborhoods in my city. They had multiple Mercedes-Benz cars parked out front of their huge driveway. They tipped me only $15, which is a measly 5%.

The second order was less than 10 items and they lived in a very small house less than a mile from the store. They tipped me $25! Just becuase somebody has plenty of money and all the nice things does not mean that they are willing to share or that they are giving people. Most jobs that live off of tips don't get to see the customer's house. This allows me to see how little people care for the people who do all of their hard work for me. I salute the kind customers with simple homes. I have internal laughter towards the wealthy families who give the bare minimum to others.

End of week hours and pay 🤑


My weekly pay was $340 and I barely worked only 6 hours.

I made about $56.83/hr on average this past week.

Doing it again next week 👀


I would have loved to have been bombarded with tons of work after getting back home from my trip. Sadly, that just did not happen. I earned a decent bit but spent most of the week hoping to work rather than working. Hopefully, the next week will reward me much more.

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I hope you have enjoyed this insider look at what kind of pay is possible while working for Instacart.


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Discord: daltonohive


Some weeks are full while some are full of massive profit
Keep up the good job

👊😎 I wonder how week 100 will go..