My 66th Instacart paycheck 💸 🛒
My last several Instacart financial reports have been pretty dreadful. I'm reaching the brink of having to switch to a new job. I've still been trying to shop 5 or 6 days a week, but there simply aren't enough orders to go around. Let's see if week 66 was an improvement or more of the same lack of work.
Monday, April 22nd
Tuesday, April 23rd
No work
Wednesday, April 24th
Wednesday was a busy day for me, but I still had time to do some Instacart. I had my quarterly bloodwork to get done to measure my testosterone levels. Then I had an interview for a potential new job in the afternoon. I was surprised to finally get a few good Instcart orders in the later afternoon and early evening.
I made about $39.63/hr on this day.
I may not have hit my $100/day goal, but this is the best day I've had in the last couple of weeks. I've lowered my expectations with Instacart a lot lately. Getting three solid orders in one day is now rare. All of the ones on Wednesday were low item numbers, low mileage, and overall easy to start and finish. Hopefully, there will be more days like this one through week 66.
Thursday, April 25th
I didn't have a ton of time to work on Thursday, but still grabbed a couple of orders. I had another job interview at 1:30 but was able to do a quick order just before. I had one more later in the evening, but neither were big earners.
I made about $54.11/hr on this day.
These slow days have clearly pushed me to find another source of income. I still love doing Instacart, but I absolutely do not trust it to provide me with work.
Friday, April 26th
Friday was yet another letdown. I'm pretty sure all days from here on out are going to look like this or worse while doing Instacart. This has become such a waste of time more than anything.
I made about $42.77/hr on this day.
A couple of totally average orders were all I was offered on Friday. I quit around 5 pm after a draught of 5-6 hours straight. I was tired of waiting and decided instead to go meet my parents for dinner. I think I made the right decision because I doubt any more orders would have appeared Friday night.
Saturday, April 27th
Saturdays used to be guaranteed good days. Not anymore. Instacart has lost too m any customers and hired more employees. Doing those two things at the same time means there no longer is work for me. It sucks because I really enjoyed doing this job, but it's not possible anymore.
I made about $49.67/hr on this day.
I sat online all day long from 9-5 and only received one order. The rest that were offered were either downright atrocious and I would have been doing charity work, or there simply wasn't anything at all on the screen. What a shame.
Sunday, April 28th
I turned the app online around 9 am, but I didn't get my first order of the day until noon. Thankfully it was one of my best orders in weeks and to my surprise, a new customer.
I made about $49.70/hr on this day.
Immediately following that first order, I was offered another solid order at a nearby store. I was all over it and completed both in just over an hour. I thought this streak of work may continue, but of course, it didn't.
End of week hours and pay 🤑
My weekly pay was about $230 and I worked just under 5 hours.
I made about $49.59/hr on average this past week.
Doing it again next week 👀
This will likely be my last week doing Instacart "full time", if you can even call it that considering I can't remember the last time I worked over 10 hours/week. I may work one more week, but I'm about to start a new job and just move on from the disappointment that Instacart has become. I'll be sure to update you about my upcoming transition once I know more.
I hope you have enjoyed this insider look at what kind of pay is possible while working for Instacart.
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