I can definitely attest to the fact that you are an experienced Nigerian 😂, the way you were able to notice the gradual deterioration in the quality of garri, it takes a level of usage of the commodity 😅. But when it comes to garri most times the issue is not with the way it was planted with chemicals but more of the way it was processed, an error in the making. The ones that are planted and harvested locally also have the same issues, I would have elaborated on the cause of it but it will be a long story.
I notice something in the village I currently reside, they look stronger, live longer and more healthy than regular people in the city. The reason is quite simple, everything they consume is directly from the farm without the application of any chemical compound for preservation. They plant and harvest for consumption, they cook their meals without adding any manufactured ingredients and it still taste good, which is something rare. In order to have tasty meals in the city you will have to add a lot of ingredients because our meals lacks taste and nutrients.