Ibadan Chronicle; I ate from a random stranger 😳.

in Daily Bloglast year

Just one week in the city of Ibadan, and a whole lot of experience came to play.


I could remember when I was planning to go to Ibadan, it was with the intention that I'd use just 3 days. But then, situation beyond me required that I had to spend a week and some days.

A night before i travel back to Lagos, I sat outside the compound, allowing the breeze sing slowly around me, while I sit in awe of how beautiful God must be for his creature to be this beautiful.

And while I sat just basking in the atmosphere and the glory all around me, some memories just kept tugging at my heart and I didn't have a choice but to smile wistfully.

Let me tell you one of the experiences I had.

I was coming back from the market that fateful day, and I was starving ehn. So immediately I got to a particular spot, I started perceiving the smell of **moin moin. **

I didn't have to think twice, I told myself I was going to come back to this spot and find whoever sells it.

I hurriedly walked away, now that I know something will soon drop in my stomach 😂.

I got back in, pick my wallet that has some few changes in it, and went back to the spot I perceive the moin moin from.

I finally saw a young girl outside the shop where I perceive the smell to be coming from, so I greeted her, and told her, I want to buy moin moin and she responded that they don't sell moin moin o 😂

But I wasn't having it, so I told her that while passing the other time, I perceive moin moin. She insisted that they are not selling, so I asked her, if she knows anywhere I can get moin moin, she said she doesn't know.

I was about walking away, when the mother who I didn't know was inside the shop all along, told me to wait.

She then came outside and told me that, truly, no one sells moin moin around here, but that the smell I perceived was actually coming from their kiosk and that is because they are preparing moin moin for dinner.

Oh dear, I felt so stupid and the only thing I could mutter was, 'oh'

I apologise and was about moving when she told me to wait, went into the shop, and brought out one pieces of the moin moin for me.

I kukuma took it, abi who says no to food?😂😑

I got back to my sister's place, and told her about the experience, she went from 'really' to 'laughing' at me.

And even threatened to call my mum In Lagos for me 😂.

Well, I ate the moin moin and waited to fly in the night, but I didn't fly o.

This was one of my experience in the city of Ibadan that brought smile my face.

Ibadan is such a beautiful city between 🤍.

Image from me on one of those days i felt spooky 😂


Fly bawo? Kilode (what happened?)....

Funny, anyway.

Don't worry, you won't be hearing "my banana..." In the middle of the night.
