Dentist, Numb, Coop Door Controller, Harvests, Pea Shelling, Limpics - Thursday

in Homesteading7 months ago

First thing yesterday morning I was at the dentist to get fillings done. I'm happy I know my dentist as her husband works with @stryeyz, so I was sure to get really well numbed for the work. The fillings didn't take a terribly long time but I came out with the left side of my face super numb. The song lyric from Novocaine kept repeating in my head, "OH OH the numbing".

I got home then spent some time trying to get the stupid programming correct on the coop door opener. I can't seem to get it to change the closing time back to 9pm so have been fiddling with the code to no avail. It opens at 7am correctly and closes at 9:30pm but just won't do the shift. At least the door opens and closes again.


Just a few squash were ready which is fine as we have a couple cases in the cooler.


The tomatoes are starting to put out more with another pound ready. Considering it was Aug 13th last year when I got my first tomatoes so I am kicking ass this year with 7.75 pounds picked already.


After pulling all the snow pea plants I had a bucket of peas still but they were mixed eating and seed pods so I had to sort them out before I could shell them for seeds. I got about double what I had before so will for sure have more than enough for next year. They are drying still on the deck and I will get them bagged when done.


It was around noon and the numbing was wearing off which meant my head began to throb and my face got super sore. The rest of the afternoon was a balance of trying to do something and sitting with my face in my hands.

Some interesting games on for the olympics all day and there are some that are really quite specific and specialized that seem to have no use elsewhere. It was cool to see the world records getting set all over the place now.

I got out to pick beans and got a couple pounds. I do like NOT having to pick beans for hours on end now.


It was insane that Noah got a bronze metal in the 200 running with Covid. Third fastest even while sick!!!

I was at the board and damn it I was SOOO close to the max. It felt so good as each dart left my hand until the last one just missed high. Damn damn damn. Practice practice practice.


@stryeyz was out for the evening so I was out to soak for a while but didn't stay out too long.


Today @stryeyz is off and will take the boys school shopping. I have to get the beets picked that I can then I want to reseed the Chioggia beets and also more carrots. I want to get as many root crop seeds in the ground as I can for the late fall harvest. The trailer will get hooked up for the grain run tomorrow morning and I might grill for dinner tonight.


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Fresh plants as usual!!!