in Cross Culture11 months ago

Heritage is one thing that is almost inevitable once we are born to this world. We can get an heritage biological, financial, culturally and more. As a person, I have very few biological and financial heritage from my parents but I do have quite a lot of cultural heritage from my dad. I'm not a very traditional person though but then I was able to learn some of these cultures from my dad and some relatives that I lived with while growing up.


I had quite a complicated background so it was hard to learn most of my cultural norms but then I still managed to get some of them to hold on to as a native of my land and as the daughter to my father. I remember back then my siblings and I were always mocked at for not having our mother's tongue and it wasn't fun at all, it felt like it was our fault we couldn't know how to speak in our mother's tongue. Well, it's quite understand why it was so because in the end we are the ones going to bare the consequences.

Due to the humiliation we faced, I was bent on learning as much as I can how to speak in my mother's tongue but it was harder than I thought. Now I can only hear but speaking is still a challenge which is a bit strange. After trying so hard and still failing at learning how to speak in my native tongue, I decided to learn other things that relates to my culture to at least prove that I'm my father's daughter.

In every culture, after the language, most times the food is next or Maybe the attire. Well, I went for the food! I remember I was 8 years old when I grew interest in learning how to prepare one of my native soup. It was my dad's favorite and we all loved it too so I was bent on learning how to prepare it so well that anyone that tastes it for the first time would love it. Back then my dad was one of the best Cook I've seen so I was able to learn some things from him.

It took me time to try out what I've learned and for my first trial it was incredible! I know it was incredible because my dad is quite a picky eater and be complains even for the slightest mistake in a food but that day he ate it without complaining so much. He loves onions in his ood a lot so that was the only thing he complained about even though I added quite a lot of it.

There are quite different ways to make that delicacy and I've learnt from different people that are good at it how to prepare it so I can always deliver a good job in that aspect. I'm glad my dad was willing to teach his little girl how to prepare her native soup. Although it was almost a thug of war at first because my dad thought I was still too young but then I was determined to learn and I did, hehe.

This is my response to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April on "HERITAGE - CULTURAL, FINANCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL".

Thumbnail used is mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


your passion seems to be food and cooking. have you tried posting about your process in the food communities on hive?
many people are always interested in learning new dishes from other cultures and if you are enthusiastic about cooking it will radiate through your posts as well.

now pursue that passion, who knows where it will lead!

I've actually had that plan for a while now but I don't have a good camera to take good photos or make a video but I'm already working towards getting one so I hope by then I'd start sharing these dishes 🥰.

Thank you so much for the encouragement friend ❤️

don't let non-ideal equipment stop you. the way you write and include pictures will be good enough and your passion will be contagious writing about what you love.
enjoy and blessings to you

Foodie like me, i guess I have a partner now. Culture is beautiful for those that cherish it

Yes dear, I'm not really a foodie like that sha but I guess I am 😂