This food is a local food called native rice, it's a well known food more especially it's believe that it is mostly for pregnant who have no appetite to eat well that crave for it because of the way it's prepared. My mom thought me how to prepare this rice making me believe it's a meal prepared when there's no groceries in the house. But my aunt always made prepared it often those days at her first trimester when she craves for nothing but this rice. Contrary to what my mom taught me, as one who loves to be in the kitchen i wanted to enhance myself, get equipped the more with cooking so i decided to go for a culinary school, there i was thought that this rice requires more ingredients depending on individual. So today i decide to make this rice because i am just recuperating and i was craving for it.
Native Rice
- 300cl/3 litters of water
- 450g of rice
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 200g of shombo
- 50ml of red oil
- 20g of scotch bonnet pepper
- 50g of onion
- 10g of cent leaves
Step one
I boiled 50cl of water in five minutes poured my rice in a basin add half of the teaspoon of salt, poured the water, covered it and set it aside for another five minutes. This method will help so it won't be overly soft and if you're cooking a particular kind of rice for the first time. After the time, i washed it thoroughly with 25cl of water twice until the water became white. I set it aside to get all other ingredients ready.
I started with blending my shombo and scotch bonnet pepper together with a 5cl of water so it won't be too watery. Washed all other ingredients with 95cl of water in total and slice the ones that should be sliced.
My blended shombo and pepper
My chopped cent leaves
Trying to chop my onion
My ingredients is ready for the food to prepare. Remember this doesn't require any form of tomato so there must be enough shombo depending on the quantity of the rice you're to prepare.
Step two
At this stage you put the pot on fire allow it dry an add the red oil.
Do not bleach your oil for more than 2 minutes
Add the chopped onion
Add the blended shombo and pepper, stir well until the water dry's off.
Add the rice and stir fry for at least two minutes and make sure to mix the rice and the ingredients in the pot well. I added 50cl of water, covered for 30 minutes. Do not forget to adjust with water and salt if the water didn't get it done and salt not to taste.
After 30 minutes i added my cent leaves covered for few seconds and then brought it down. Lunch is ready and my little ones was waiting already for it be served plated.
I make this local dishes once in a while because i am a lover of it but my people do not like this dish.