let's make this drink together- Hagamos juntos esta bebida (Eng-Esp)

in Amazing Drinks2 months ago (edited)

I come to share with my friends from @amazingdrink the drink I have prepared as an aperitif. The sweet orange is not very common anymore, but these days I have been able to enjoy some brought directly from the field. Pure orange juice is delicious.
I wanted to use the glass juicer, a memory from my childhood, an item that was widely used in our homes, now replaced by electronic juicers. The aroma of orange offers a pleasant atmosphere, we can even use the rind to make air freshener or syrup to flavor desserts.

Ingredients for two servings

6 oranges
2 branches of basil
¹¼ glass of tequila
6 small ice cubes



Once the juice was ready, I put it in the refrigerator, I wanted to make a ponche, a refreshing drink in which any citrus fruit can be used. I took the semi-frozen juice, poured it into the blender with a small portion of Tequila, then in the glass, I put some more ice and basil branches.
I didn't add sugar because the sweetness of the orange is enough. It also depends on each person's taste, avoiding excess consumption. Basil is mild and fragrant so it does not require sugar. Aromatic herbs make it an amazing drink.

If you want you can put Vodka or white rum or simply non-alcoholic and it will be a perfect drink even to share a romantic date. Here I leave you this amazing drink with fruits from my land. A punch to delight the arrival of the moon.

This post is AI free. The photos used are my property.


Hagamos juntos esta bebida

Vengo a compartir con mis amigos de @amazingdrink la bebida que he preparado como aperitivo.
La naranja dulce ya no es muy común, pero en estos días he podido disfrutar algunas traídas directamente del campo.
El jugo de naranja puro es delicioso,
Quise utilizar el exprimidor de vidrio, recuerdo de mi infancia, un artículo que era muy usado en nuestros hogares, ahora sustituidos por jugueras electrónicas.
El aroma de la naranja ofrece un ambiente agradable, incluso la corteza podemos usarlas para confeccionar ambientador o almíbar para saborizar postres.

Ingredientes para dos raciones

6 naranjas
2 ramas de albahaca
¹¼ vaso de tequila
6 cubos pequeños de hielo


Listo el jugo lo puse en la nevera, quise hacer un ponche, bebida refrescante en la que puede usarse cualquier citrico.
Tomé el jugo semicongelado lo vertí en la licuadora con una pequeña porción de Tequila, luego en la copa, puse algo más de hielo y ramas de albahaca. No puse ázucar pues el dulzor de la naranja es suficiente. También depende del gusto de cada uno, evitando el exceso de consumo. La albahaca es suave y perfumada por lo que no requiere ázucar. Las hierbas aromáticas lo convierten en una bebida asombrosa.

Si deseas puedes poner Vodka o ron blanco o simplemente analcohólico y será una perfecta bebida hasta para compartir una cita romántica.
Aqui les dejo esta bebida asombrosa con frutas de mi tierra. Un ponche para deleitar la llegada de la luna.

Esta publicación no tiene IA. Las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.


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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

thank you a pleasure

Oranges in Contramaestre were in surplus. Today if you find them they are a treasure. Lucky you to have these fruits so close, and enjoy a rich juice ideal for the heat, although these days the temperature has been very mild.

Naranjas en Contramaestre sobraban. Hoy si las encuentras son un tesoro. Afortunada usted de tener esos frutos tan cerca, y disfrutar de un rico jugo ideal para el calor, aunque en estos días la temperatura ha estado bien templada

Sabes, los naranjales de Contramaestre están en mi corazón, allí estuve 15 días, igual comprábamos antes de llegar a la universidad. Hasta me recuerdan muchas cosas.

The juice drink you have made looks very tempting. It is much better for health to make such juice at home than to buy it from outside. Moreover, you have shown the process of making juice in a very beautiful way. Best wishes to you.

Yes, doing it to our liking gives a lot of enjoyment, the aromas, flavors and simply something pleasant

You've been curated by @amazingdrinks! Delegations welcome!

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Curation Trail

Hi @iriswrite

Always remember to enter the quantities of your recipes (all ingredients, including water; and the amount obtained), as well as to be in the photos MAKING your amazing drinks.


Thanks, it's already edited. Sorry for the oversight. Greetings and a pleasure to be in this community.

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It looks so tasty and attractive.

yes, very nice and soft